- Pune, India
- http://www.paragpawar.in/
- @Parag238
A Kotlin Multiplatform solution for working with data. Whether you’re building alone or with a team of thousands, Store can help
The Branch Metrics public API for mobile deep linking / deeplinking applications. Branch helps mobile apps grow with deep links / deeplinks that power referral systems, sharing links and invites wi…
Although Screen Saver is not completely supported by android. I tried somewhat like screensaver for which I made this project. I've used Application.class and a thread for it. Code Documentation in…
A progressive Node.js framework for building efficient, scalable, and enterprise-grade server-side applications with TypeScript/JavaScript 🚀
Make your native android Toasts Fancy. A library that takes the standard Android toast to the next level with a variety of styling options. Style your toast from code.
A React wrapper component around signature_pad (in < 150 LoC). Unopinionated and heavily updated fork of react-signature-pad
Deprecated - See README for replacement repo.
Android app interfacing with currencyLayer API to get exchange rates for various currencies.
📚 Questions for Android Engineer Interview 📚
A macOS app to control the Xcode Simulator.
Broadcom PatchRAM driver for OS X
Capture signature view in Swift and export it as a vector graphics or bitmap
Blazing fast Markdown / CommonMark rendering in Swift, built upon cmark.
Official Jetpack Compose samples.
This is a sample movie list Android application built to demonstrate use of Clean Architecture tools. Dedicated to all Android Developers - (Kotlin, MVVM, Clean Architecture, Rx-Java, Dagger, OkHtt…
A simple, customizable popup dialog for iOS written in Swift. Replaces UIAlertController alert style.
File Utility for Android. It solves the issue when getting file path from Uri pointing to Downloads folder.
AndroidImageEdit 安卓设备上图形编辑开源控件,支持磨皮美白 自定义贴图 图片滤镜 图片旋转 图片剪裁 文字贴图 撤销 回退 等操作
A way around the 64 local notifications limit
Schedule timing task in Swift using a fluent API. (A friendly alternative to Timer)
A lightweight, one line setup, iOS / OSX network debugging library! 🦊
Remote network and data debugging for your native iOS app using Chrome Developer Tools
Sheeeeeeeeet is a Swift library for creating menus, custom action sheets, context menus etc.