An enterprise Mongo-Express REST API built using nodejs showcasing - Testing Strategy, mongoDB sharding, models, a REST API Interface, support for Redis, aggregation queries, aggregation caching, circuit-breakers, slack integration, RBAC, rate limited APIs and multi-container queues and schedulers.
We’re always looking for people who value their work, so come and join us. We are hiring!
- yarn
- docker
- Mongo support
- Docker support
- Rate limited APIs
- RBAC middleware using Auth0
- Sharding mongoDB collection support
- Paginated APIs
- Autogenerated APIs from mongoose models
- Built in slack alerting mechanism
- Suport for redis cache
- Support for aggregate caching
- Support for batch jobs in multi-container environment
- Support for circuit breakers
- Autogenerated swagger documentation
- Load testing using k6
- Install k6
- Execute the following command:
k6 run __tests__/__load__/script.js
- docker-compose down
- docker-compose build
- docker-compose up
Run the following script
Take a look at this to create shards and replica sets.
Run the following command to begin seeding
- cd `node-mongo-express`
- yarn
- ./setup-shards/scripts/setup/
- cp .env.example .env.local
- ./seeders/
- yarn start
- open browser to `localhost:9000` (port default to 9000)
Once you've to the server started check out the api documentation at /api-docs
- The entry point of the application is the server/index.js
- The server/app.js imports the APIs from server/api/index.js
- All the different APIs in the server/api are registered here
- MongoDB is used to store data & mongoose is used as the ORM
- The template has support for the following middlewares
- The template has inbuilt support for
When using NoSQLs you are optimising for read performance. We're doing this by denormalising data. There are multiple copies of the same data. For example
- Orders contains purchasedProducts which contains Products. Instead of referencing here we embed
- SupplierProducts contains embedded objects for both Suppliers and Products
- StoreProducts contains embedded objects for both Stores and Products
This makes our application write heavy. Every time there is a change to a product we need to make a change to
- SupplierProducts
- StoreProducts
- Products
Orders is not impacted since a change in the product after purchase will not affect the order.
However the application is able to perform extremely fast reads. 2 reasons for better performance is
- shards
- document embedding
NoSQLs are also good for handling large volumes of data. This is supported due to its ability to have shards. In this application we create 4 shards and the data is distributed amongst these shards.
These are the shard keys that we use
- _id
- Order
- name
- Products
- Suppliers
- Stores
We got really good distribution across shards(24-26%) per shard after seeding 4 million records. It's possible to get a hot shard due to this but we're yet to see that.
- productId
- SupplierProducts
- StoreProducts
productId is chosen as the shard key since we anticipate that the queries for fetching all suppliers/stores that sell a particular product will be much more than fetching all products of a supplier/store.