Since we started with Databases and Form validation we have been including both mongoengine and flask-mongoengine. This was bad form on my part.
Mongoengine and Flask-mongoengine do the same thing but Flask-mongoengine is a little better for our needs.
Top of the file currently, we imported mongoengine
# import all of mongoengine
from mongoengine import *
Change this to...
# import all of mongoengine
from flask.ext.mongoengine import mongoengine
We connected to the database a few lines from the top with
# --------- Database Connection ---------
# MongoDB connection to MongoLab's database
connect('mydata', host=os.environ.get('MONGOLAB_URI'))
Change this to...
mongoengine.connect('mydata', host=os.environ.get('MONGOLAB_URI'))
The import and from/import statements at the top of models.py is currently
from mongoengine import *
from flask.ext.mongoengine.wtf import model_form
from datetime import datetime
Change to this...
from flask.ext.mongoengine.wtf import model_form
from wtforms.fields import * # for our custom signup form
from flask.ext.mongoengine.wtf.orm import validators
from flask.ext.mongoengine import *
from datetime import datetime
We are updating the imports to use more field validation techniques.
Our models change a bit too. Previously we defined Models as such,
class Blogpost(Document):
title = StringField(max_length=120, required=True, verbose_name="First name")
description = StringField(required=True)
We now define models like so,
class Blogpost(mongoengine.Document):
title = mongoengine.StringField(max_length=120, required=True)
description = mongoengine.StringField()
We create forms like this
photo_form = model_form(Image)
But we can also use WTForms directly like this,
# Create a WTForm form for the photo upload.
# This form will inhirit the Photo model above
# It will have all the fields of the Photo model
# We are adding in a separate field for the file upload called 'fileupload'
class photo_upload_form(photo_form):
fileupload = FileField('Upload an image file', validators=[])
photo_upload_form can be used like any other form we use before. Using WTForm directly gives us a few more options than we previously had. We will use this again in the User management app demo.
Download the sample code from Github
Navigate to code directory in Terminal. Create Git repo
git init git add . git commit -m "initial commit"
Create virtual environment and install requirements
virtualenv venv . runpip
Create a new Heroku app
heroku create
Heroku offers a lot of different Add-ons for your apps. Many different types of databases, image tools, cache utilities are available from 3rd party companies. Many offer a trial plan to test and develop with before you commit to a paid plan.
MongoLabs offers a 496 MB MongoDB instance for free (see here) : ) How wonderful.
To install the MongoLabs
Navigate to the code folder of your app
In Terminal, add the MongoLab sandbox plan
heroku addons:add mongolab:sandbox
This has added MongoLab to your app.
When adding Add-ons, Heroku will add the required configuration variables for the services including username, password, urls, etc.
We must create a local configuration file to allow our local development server to connect to the MongoLabs MongoDB instance. We can grab a copy of our Heroku configuration variables and put them inside a .env file, our environment variable file.
Run the following command inside your code folder.
heroku config --shell | grep MONGOLAB_URI >> .env
This will create a new file, .env and it will contain a single line starting with MONGOLAB_URI and followed by a long connection url. This is the username and password for your MongoLabs account.
We want GIT to ignore the .env file, VERY IMPORTANT This keeps our environment variables safe and they won't get included inside our GIT repository (or worse, get pushed to Github).
Open your .gitignore file and add '.env' on a new line. Save the file.
Create an account on Amazon Web Services, you can use your Amazon account, http://aws.amazon.com/console/ Click on the Sign Up button.
When you're registered and logged into the AWS site, visit the console, https://console.aws.amazon.com/console/home?#
In the Storage and Content Delivery section click on S3, scalable storage in the cloud, https://console.aws.amazon.com/s3/home.
Now we will create a bucket (like a directory). The bucket will be the container for your uploaded files. On the left panel of the S3 console, click 'Create Bucket'. Provide a bucket name and leave the Region to US Standard. Then click Create.
Inside the AWS Console, on the top menu bar click on your name, then click SECURITY CREDENTIALS.
On the SECURITY CREDENTIALS page, you will have access to
Open your .env file and add 3 new variables for Amazon AWS
Save your .env file.
Now let's push the new AWS variable to Heroku config, run the commands in Terminal
You can confirm the AWS variables are on heroku by running the command,
heroku config
. start
foreman start