- Egypt
- in/paula-refaat-136885248
- paula_refaat_111
- Pro
A use case of Clean Architecture in Node.js comprising of Express.js, MongoDB and Redis as the main (but replaceable) infrastructure.
Integrate PayPal Orders API with Node.js. Using Express, EJS and Axios.
An example of clean architecture implementation with NestJS
Example project of using Server-Sent Events with Nest.js
This repository is managed by LeetPush extension: https://github.com/husamahmud/LeetPush
Learning Data Structure and Algorithm By Doing
A boilerplate for express and MongoDB with Typescript, base for all Softworks APIs.
Nest.js & Typescript SOLID Principles for writing clean-code
Mike North's TypeScript Courses
This can support you in building database replication in postgresql
vCard is a fully responsive personal portfolio website, responsive for all devices.
🚀 Strapi is the leading open-source headless CMS. It’s 100% JavaScript/TypeScript, fully customizable, and developer-first.
كود بسيط بالجافا سكريبت لكشف النصوص التي تحتوي على ألفاظ نابية
📺 Visual Editor & GraphQL IDE.
Take photos via webcam with JavaScript
🎮 GraphQL IDE for better development workflows (GraphQL Subscriptions, interactive docs & collaboration)
Clone For Chat GPT Using Jokes API Integrated With Nodejs and Front-End with React- Redux
A list of helpful Back-End related interview topics.
Simple paymob nodejs integration module