DisplayIO widgets for showing flip clock style animattions changing from one number to another.
This driver depends on:
This command can be used to install the PaletteFader:
circup install cedargrove_palettefader
Please ensure all dependencies are available on the CircuitPython filesystem. This is easily achieved by downloading the Adafruit library and driver bundle or individual libraries can be installed using circup.
Purchase Feather ESP32-S2 TFT from the Adafruit shop
On supported GNU/Linux systems like the Raspberry Pi, you can install the driver locally from PyPI. To install for current user:
pip3 install adafruit-circuitpython-displayio-flipclock
To install system-wide (this may be required in some cases):
sudo pip3 install adafruit-circuitpython-displayio-flipclock
To install in a virtual environment in your current project:
mkdir project-name && cd project-name
python3 -m venv .venv
source .env/bin/activate
pip3 install adafruit-circuitpython-displayio-flipclock
Make sure that you have circup
installed in your Python environment.
Install it with the following command if necessary:
pip3 install circup
With circup
installed and your CircuitPython device connected use the
following command to install:
circup install adafruit_displayio_flipclock
Or the following command to update an existing version:
circup update
import time
from displayio import Group
import board
import adafruit_imageload
from adafruit_displayio_flipclock.flip_digit import FlipDigit
display = board.DISPLAY
main_group = Group()
static_spritesheet, static_palette = adafruit_imageload.load("static_sheet.bmp")
top_animation_spritesheet, top_animation_palette = adafruit_imageload.load(
bottom_animation_spritesheet, bottom_animation_palette = adafruit_imageload.load(
SPRITE_WIDTH = static_spritesheet.width // 3
SPRITE_HEIGHT = (static_spritesheet.height // 4) // 2
flip_digit = FlipDigit(
flip_digit.anchor_point = (0.5, 0.5)
flip_digit.anchored_position = (display.width // 2, display.height // 2)
while True:
for i in range(10):
flip_digit.value = i
Filename: displayio_flipclock_ntp_test1_PaulskPt.py.
This example sets the internal Realtime Clock of the microcontroller with the date and time received from the function 'get_time' of class 'ESP_SPIcontrol' in file: '/lib/adafruit_esp32spi/adafruit_esp32spi.py' (or .mpy). To control the built-in RTC the CircuitPython the class 'RTC' is used. This class is in the 'rtc' core module. The function 'refresh_from_NTP()' in this example, takes care of setting the built-in RTC by using the timezone offset that the script found by reading the value of key 'tz-offset' in file 'secrets.py'. In file 'secrets.py' the value for key 'tz_offset' needs to be a string value representing the timezone offset from UTC. Example: timezone 'America/New York' has a timezone offset of UTC minus 4 hours = - 4 * 3600 = -14400. The value of the key 'tz_offset' in this case shoud be: '-14400'. If the user wants the flipclock display to display GMT time, then set the value of 'LOCAL_TIME_FLAG' in secrets.py to '0' In this case the script will set global variable 'location' to 'Etc/GMT' and 'tz_offset' to 0.
Every ten minutes the internal RTC will be synchronized through a call to function 'refresh_from_NTP()'. The time will be shown on the display ('hh:mm'). The displayed time will be refreshed every minute.
The following variables have to be set in the file secrets.py:
- WiFi ssid
- WiFi password
- timezone (http://worldtimeapi.org/timezones)
- tz_offset
Start of the example: 'displayio_flipclock_ntp_test1_PaulskPt.py'
import time
import gc
import sys
import board
from rtc import RTC
#import busio
from digitalio import DigitalInOut
from adafruit_esp32spi import adafruit_esp32spi
from displayio import Group
import adafruit_imageload
#from adafruit_ntp import NTP
from adafruit_displayio_flipclock.flip_clock import FlipClock
""" Global flags """
my_debug = False
use_ntp = True
use_local_time = None
use_flipclock = True
use_dynamic_fading = True
""" Other global variables """
esp = None
rtc = None
default_dt = None
main_group = None
clock = None
display = board.DISPLAY
ntp = None
start_t = time.monotonic()
tz_offset = 0
hour_old = 0
Filename: displayio_flipclock_ntp_test2_PaulskPt.py.
This example uses the Adafruit IO TIME Service. To be able to use this example, the user has to set the keys 'aio_username' and 'aio_key' in the file 'secrets.py'. I used the Adafruit TIME Service successfully in another project using an Adafruit MAGTAG device. In function 'refresh_from_NTP()' a datetime stamp will be requested from the Adafruit IO TIME Service. Two example responses from the Adafruit IO TIME Service are the following strings:
- '2022-09-20 22:38:00.324 263 2 +0000 GMT';
- '2022-09-21 12:38:05.725 264 3 +0100 WEST'.
The received datetime string will be converted into a 'time.struct_time tuple', used to set the built-in RTC, using the command: 'rtc.datetime = (<time.struct_time>)'. Next the global variable 'default_dt' will be set. Its value will be adjusted with the value of the global variable 'tz_offset', which contains the local timezone offset from UTC. If the user wants the flipclock display to display GMT time, then set the value of 'LOCAL_TIME_FLAG' in secrets.py to '0'. In this case the script will set global variable 'location' to 'Etc/GMT' and 'tz_offset' to 0. This will result in Adafruit IO TIME Service responses like shown in 1. above.
Every ten minutes the internal RTC will be synchronized through a call to function 'refresh_from_NTP()'. The time will be shown on the display ('hh:mm'). The displayed time will be refreshed every minute.
The following variables have to be set in the file secrets.py:
- WiFi ssid
- WiFi password
- timezone (http://worldtimeapi.org/timezones)
- tz_offset
To be able to use this example the user needs an account for Adafruit IO. If you don't have one, you can signup for free: https://accounts.adafruit.com/users/sign_up
Start of the example: 'displayio_flipclock_ntp_test2_PaulskPt.py'
import time
import gc
import sys
import board
from rtc import RTC
from digitalio import DigitalInOut
from adafruit_esp32spi import adafruit_esp32spi
import adafruit_esp32spi.adafruit_esp32spi_socket as socket
from displayio import Group
import adafruit_imageload
from adafruit_displayio_flipclock.flip_clock import FlipClock
import adafruit_requests as requests
""" Global flags """
my_debug = False
use_ntp = True
use_local_time = None
use_flipclock = True
use_dynamic_fading = True
""" Other global variables """
rtc = None
esp = None
aio_username = None
aio_key = None
default_dt = None
main_group = None
clock = None
display = board.DISPLAY
start_t = time.monotonic()
tm_offset = None
tz_offset = 0
hour_old = 0
min_old = 0
PaulskPt's notes about modifications in file 'flip_digit.py', class 'FlipDigit', which were necessary to stop having MemoryErrors when running the examples #2 and #3 above on an Adafruit PyPortal Titano. Added 'import gc'. In function '__init__()' added in five places 'gc.collect()'. These additions had the intended result. The MemoryErrors stopped to occur. For the same reason a global flag 'use_dynamic_fading' was introduced in the file 'displayio_flipclock_ntp_test1_PaulskPt.py'.
In an attempt to use less memory in the PyPortal Titano, copies of some .bmp files were made with shortened filenames:
Orignal finame: | Copy (shortened filename) |
static_sheet_small.bmp | static_s.bmp |
top_anmation_sheet_small_5frames.bmp | top_anim_s_5f.bmp |
bottom_animation_sheet_small_5frames.bmp | btm_anim_s_5f.bmp |
For examples #2 and #3, if you want to see more (debug) output to REPL, set global flag: 'my_debug = True'
API documentation for this library can be found on Read the Docs.
For information on building library documentation, please check out this guide.
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