-f = full backup (if not = increment)
-q - suppress logs output
sqldump_prefix="docker exec -t db mysqldump" = prefix for sqldump
sql_list="dbname dbname2 dbname3:table:table" = sql db list or tables list
files_list="/path/to/folder1 /path/to/folder/2:subfolder:file_in_folder:subfodler/subsub" = file list. Each line in separate archive.
prefix='/path_to_temp_folder'; = prefix for compessed and index folders
sshhost='host'; = ssh host to upload (if empty upload is skipped)
sshpath='/media/hdd2/backup'; = remote path for SCP store
Run at backup storage, checks expired backups in all forders with prefix backup- in prefix
All deltas calculated from file names!
prefix='/mnt/backups'; # Storage prefix
dailySecMax=936000; # DailyDelta in seconds
fullSecMax=29376000; # FullDelta in seconds