Welcome to the HackerRank SQL Challenges Solutions repository! This repository contains my solutions to all the HackerRank SQL Practice Questions. It is organized into six folders, each containing my solutions for easy, medium and difficult challenges executed in a MySQL environment. If you get stuck on any of the problems, feel free to check this repository for solutions and guidance.

Number | Challenges | Solutions |
1 | Type of Triangle | SQL |
2 | The PADS | SQL |
3 | Occupations | SQL |
4 | Binary Tree Nodes | SQL |
5 | New Companies | SQL |
Number | Challenges | Solutions |
1 | Asian Population | SQL |
2 | African Cities | SQL |
3 | Average Population of Each Continent | SQL |
4 | The Report | SQL |
5 | Top Competitors | SQL |
6 | Ollivander's Inventory | SQL |
7 | Challenges | SQL |
8 | Contest Leaderboard | SQL |
Number | Challenges | Solutions |
1 | SQL Project Planning | SQL |
2 | Placements | SQL |
Number | Challenges | Solutions |
1 | Draw The Triangle 2 | SQL |
2 | Draw the Triangle 1 | SQL |
3 | Print Prime Numbers | SQL |
These solutions are my own work and were created for educational purposes on HackerRank. They may not be the most optimal solutions, but they passed HackerRank’s test cases.
This project is open source and available under the MIT License.