This will setup precise64 with git, nginx, php, mysql, bower, grunt, node, curl, composer
Ruby 2.1.x is installed, see
tip : install chruby, ruby-install and pick the according version
tip 2 : you need bundle
Vagrant 1.6.x is installed
tip : don't trust distro sources, download from site
tip 2 : use virtualbox as a provider
Your main public key is authorized to clone/pull your project Repo
git clone
cd affility-tr
bundle install --binstubs
vagrant up
bundle exec cap staging deploy
vagrant ssh
- change the config/deploy/deploy.rb to put your repo url and branch.
- nginx configuration
- php-fpm configuration
- code your app, obvioulsy
- is your ssh key authorized on github ? did you load the identity (ssh-add) ?
- nginx is not started uh-oh
- the web is backbound to the 8080 port of your localhost. Once nginx is configured and started you should see something here
- see any bugs? maybe WE did something wrong, let us know