An unofficial E-Hentai App for iOS built with SwiftUI & TCA.
A natural language date parser in Javascript
🍰 JS-inspired Syntax Sugar on top of Swift to make working with Arrays/Strings/... easier
A macOS app to control the Xcode Simulator.
This library for animating text. Developed with SwiftUI. This library supports iOS/macOS.
A Minecraft Launcher which is multi-functional, cross-platform and popular
A library for combining swift predicates
Wechat Chat History Exporter 微信聊天记录导出备份程序
Elegant SwiftUI phone number textField.
📷 A composable image editor using Core Image and Metal.
An easy way to use input view to display custom-view on iOS UIKit
A browser extension to get CSS from Figma in one step.
🔥中文 prompt 精选🔥,ChatGPT 使用指南,提升 ChatGPT 可玩性和可用性!🚀
🤠🧨 The mighty 400-byte schema validator for TS / JS
unocss preset for wechat miniprogram,unocss小程序预设,在 taro uniapp 原生小程序 中使用unocss
A new full-featured and high-performance TypeScript framework
🎉🎉🎉A ready-to-use component library template allows rapid development of your component library。一款开封即用的组件库模版,让你快速开发属于你的组件库
💬 React hooks for master your dialog(modal) component
开箱即用的 vite + vue3 + vitest + ts 库模板,用来打包 vue3 的 .vue 组件与 composition-api
ECMAScript / TypeScript decorator for class-style Pinia store.
A small and flexible for serverless nodejs framework 💗
Transpile JSX, TypeScript and esnext features on the fly with esbuild
精致的下拉刷新和上拉加载 js框架.支持vue,完美运行于移动端和主流PC浏览器 (JS framework for pull-refresh and pull-up-loading)