API for Brightmoments.io
Express Postgrsql or MariaDB
- Jessica Martin - Developer, API designer - PersonofNote
- Set up project and dependencies
- Create endpoints for global screens, location collections of screens, individual screens
- Test with Postman
- Decide on MariaDB vs Postgres
- Design and set up db schema
- Coordinate with Stan to receive Pi pushes
- Secure endpoints
{ “ScreenId” : String, “AdvertiseTo” : URL “ExhibitionName” : String, “DisplayNFTs” : [ { “NFT” : String, “AssetUrl” : URL } ], “DisplayOrder” : [ { “MinimumDisplayDurationInSeconds” : Int, “NFT” : String }, { “MinimumDisplayDurationInSeconds” : Int, “NFT” : String } ] }
Notes on post schema: Is the minimum display duration locked?