This package provides simple HTTP Client library built on top of SwiftNIO.
This library provides the following:
- Asynchronous and non-blocking request methods
- Simple follow-redirects (cookie headers are dropped)
- Streaming body download
- TLS support
- Cookie parsing (but not storage)
NOTE: You will need Xcode 10.2 or Swift 5.0 to try out AsyncHTTPClient
Add the following entry in your Package.swift
to start using HTTPClient
.package(url: "", from: "1.0.0")
and AsyncHTTPClient
dependency to your target:
.target(name: "MyApp", dependencies: ["AsyncHTTPClient"]),
The code snippet below illustrates how to make a simple GET request to a remote server.
Please note that the example will spawn a new EventLoopGroup
which will create fresh threads which is a very costly operation. In a real-world application that uses SwiftNIO for other parts of your application (for example a web server), please prefer eventLoopGroupProvider: .shared(myExistingEventLoopGroup)
to share the EventLoopGroup
used by AsyncHTTPClient with other parts of your application.
If your application does not use SwiftNIO yet, it is acceptable to use eventLoopGroupProvider: .createNew
but please make sure to share the returned HTTPClient
instance throughout your whole application. Do not create a large number of HTTPClient
instances with eventLoopGroupProvider: .createNew
, this is very wasteful and might exhaust the resources of your program.
import AsyncHTTPClient
let httpClient = HTTPClient(eventLoopGroupProvider: .createNew)
httpClient.get(url: "").whenComplete { result in
switch result {
case .failure(let error):
// process error
case .success(let response):
if response.status == .ok {
// handle response
} else {
// handle remote error
You should always shut down HTTPClient
instances you created using try httpClient.syncShutdown()
. Please note that you must not call httpClient.syncShutdown
before all requests of the HTTP client have finished, or else the in-flight requests will likely fail because their network connections are interrupted.
Most common HTTP methods are supported out of the box. In case you need to have more control over the method, or you want to add headers or body, use the HTTPRequest
import AsyncHTTPClient
let httpClient = HTTPClient(eventLoopGroupProvider: .createNew)
defer {
try? httpClient.syncShutdown()
var request = try HTTPClient.Request(url: "", method: .POST)
request.headers.add(name: "User-Agent", value: "Swift HTTPClient")
request.body = .string("some-body")
httpClient.execute(request: request).whenComplete { result in
switch result {
case .failure(let error):
// process error
case .success(let response):
if response.status == .ok {
// handle response
} else {
// handle remote error
Enable follow-redirects behavior using the client configuration:
let httpClient = HTTPClient(eventLoopGroupProvider: .createNew,
configuration: HTTPClient.Configuration(followRedirects: true))
Timeouts (connect and read) can also be set using the client configuration:
let timeout = HTTPClient.Timeout(connect: .seconds(1), read: .seconds(1))
let httpClient = HTTPClient(eventLoopGroupProvider: .createNew,
configuration: HTTPClient.Configuration(timeout: timeout))
or on a per-request basis:
httpClient.execute(request: request, deadline: .now() + .milliseconds(1))
When dealing with larger amount of data, it's critical to stream the response body instead of aggregating in-memory. Handling a response stream is done using a delegate protocol. The following example demonstrates how to count the number of bytes in a streaming response body:
import NIO
import NIOHTTP1
class CountingDelegate: HTTPClientResponseDelegate {
typealias Response = Int
var count = 0
func didSendRequestHead(task: HTTPClient.Task<Response>, _ head: HTTPRequestHead) {
// this is executed right after request head was sent, called once
func didSendRequestPart(task: HTTPClient.Task<Response>, _ part: IOData) {
// this is executed when request body part is sent, could be called zero or more times
func didSendRequest(task: HTTPClient.Task<Response>) {
// this is executed when request is fully sent, called once
func didReceiveHead(
task: HTTPClient.Task<Response>,
_ head: HTTPResponseHead
) -> EventLoopFuture<Void> {
// this is executed when we receive HTTP response head part of the request
// (it contains response code and headers), called once in case backpressure
// is needed, all reads will be paused until returned future is resolved
return task.eventLoop.makeSucceededFuture(())
func didReceiveBodyPart(
task: HTTPClient.Task<Response>,
_ buffer: ByteBuffer
) -> EventLoopFuture<Void> {
// this is executed when we receive parts of the response body, could be called zero or more times
count += buffer.readableBytes
// in case backpressure is needed, all reads will be paused until returned future is resolved
return task.eventLoop.makeSucceededFuture(())
func didFinishRequest(task: HTTPClient.Task<Response>) throws -> Int {
// this is called when the request is fully read, called once
// this is where you return a result or throw any errors you require to propagate to the client
return count
func didReceiveError(task: HTTPClient.Task<Response>, _ error: Error) {
// this is called when we receive any network-related error, called once
let request = try HTTPClient.Request(url: "")
let delegate = CountingDelegate()
httpClient.execute(request: request, delegate: delegate).futureResult.whenSuccess { count in
Connecting to servers bound to socket paths is easy:
let httpClient = HTTPClient(eventLoopGroupProvider: .createNew)
socketPath: "/tmp/myServer.socket",
urlPath: "/path/to/resource"
).whenComplete (...)
Connecting over TLS to a unix domain socket path is possible as well:
let httpClient = HTTPClient(eventLoopGroupProvider: .createNew)
secureSocketPath: "/tmp/myServer.socket",
urlPath: "/path/to/resource",
body: .string("hello")
).whenComplete (...)
Direct URLs can easily be contructed to be executed in other scenarios:
let socketPathBasedURL = URL(
httpURLWithSocketPath: "/tmp/myServer.socket",
uri: "/path/to/resource"
let secureSocketPathBasedURL = URL(
httpsURLWithSocketPath: "/tmp/myServer.socket",
uri: "/path/to/resource"