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Tags: PeterRao/fullPage.js



Toggle 2.6.5's commit message
- Fixed bug using `scrollOverflow:true` and `autoScrolling:false` alv…

…arotrigo#553 alvarotrigo#1037

- Fixed bug using zoom (ctrl + mouse) alvarotrigo#55
- `afterLoad` callback will now fire on page render as well alvarotrigo#1147
- Fixed bug with setAllowScrolling right and left
- Fixed bug which fired multiple callbacks when using continuousVertical
- Added new method `$.fn.fullpage.silentMove` to scroll with no animation alvarotrigo#831 alvarotrigo#747
- Window resize has no animation now alvarotrigo#64
- Added npm installation to the documentation 
- Improved documentation about `Creating links to sections or slides` and `anchors`
- Added some more comments in the code


Toggle 2.6.4's commit message
- Revert change: mouse wheel handlers will be applied to the document a…


- Only applying fullpage.js styles to `html` and `body` elements when the plugin is initialized


Toggle 2.6.3's commit message
- Solved bug with slide anchors alvarotrigo#1121

- Solved bug with setAllowScrolling when using more than 2 parameters alvarotrigo#1114
- Solved problems when other plugins using mouse or touch events alvarotrigo#1088
- Fixed problem when using a single slide in a section alvarotrigo#1120


Toggle 2.6.2's commit message
- Removed unnecessary constant alvarotrigo#1066

- Change version to force bower update


Toggle 2.6.1's commit message
- Fixed console errors when using scrollBar:true in IE 8

- Fixed keyboard arrows accessibility when using scrollBar:true in IE 8
- Fixed problem with double scroll in Apple trackpads alvarotrigo#1070


Toggle 2.6.0's commit message
- Fixed bug: add class to body element after render on first section a…


- Fixed bug: scrollbar:true can not slide down and up on Android mobile alvarotrigo#1008
- Fixed bug: sometimes the autoscrolling could get stack when using mouse wheel


Toggle 2.5.9's commit message
- Fixed bug detecting the active section when scrolling with the scro…

…ll bar when using scrolLBar:true

- Improved keyboard accessibility (Page Up, Page Down ) when using scrollBar:true
- Use strict mode
- JSHint validation improvements


Toggle 2.5.8's commit message
- Fixed bug when destroying and initializing fullPage.js afterwards a…


- Fixed bug to active menu and nav on page load alvarotrigo#1027
- Added new option `fitToSection` 
- Added new method `setFitToSection`
- The option `resize` will be now set to `false` by default.
- Removed `navigationColor` option alvarotrigo#994
- Sections won't fit into the screen automatically when using the `responsive` option alvarotrigo#1025
- Improved performance when using scrollOverflow:false
- Improved compression and performance of the minification file
- Improved keyboard short-cuts and accessibility


Toggle 2.5.7's commit message
- Removed delay when scrolling (Apple devices & kinetic scrolling pro…

…blem)alvarotrigo#785 alvarotrigo#756 alvarotrigo#452 alvarotrigo#450 alvarotrigo#314 alvarotrigo#298 alvarotrigo#281 alvarotrigo#164 alvarotrigo#73 alvarotrigo#12

- Removed delay when using keyboard arrows to scroll alvarotrigo#874 alvarotrigo#333 alvarotrigo#84
- Fixed bug with IE 11 touch compatibility in touch screens alvarotrigo#937
- Fixed bug with destroy('all') fired when resizing alvarotrigo#1010
- Fixed bug with focused inputs in mobile alvarotrigo#1008 (other types besides text)
- Fixed bug with navigation bullets and scrollBar:true alvarotrigo#974
- Fixed bug with Firefox on touch screens? alvarotrigo#1016
- Changed jquery default easing from `easeInQuart` to `easeInOutCubic` (more fluid)
- Improved keboard accessibility controls 
- Scroll on moving the mouse when pressing the 3rd button (middle button)
- Added class in body element after destroying fullpage.js


Toggle 2.5.6's commit message
- Solved bug when resizing alvarotrigo#970

- Improved scrollBar feature when dragging the scrollbar and using anchors
- Callbacks return now useful objects alvarotrigo#918