Analyze CNVs of ctDNA
Attention: Large hg19 reference index files (with pseudo-autosomal region masked) for BWA are not in this commit
CNVs of ctDNA low-coverage WGS sequencing are analyzed in several steps
- Merge FastQ Files for different lanes (NextSeq only)
- Align FastQ to modified hg19 (pseudo-autosomal region of chrY masked)
- Remove PCR duplicates
- Count reads in (50,000) predefined genomic bins (average length ~56kbp, each bin containing equal amount of mappable positions)
- Normalize by mean read count
- Normalize by GC-content (Lowess-smoothing)
- Normalize by mean (normalized) read count per bin of healthy controls
- Segment using combination of GLAD and CBS (provided by CGHWeb package in R)
- Create plots
- Identify Focal amplifications and deletions