This is an implementation of the paper “A Hyperbolic Geometric Flow for Evolving Films and Foams” Ishida et al., Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH Asia 2017).
[Project site]
[Youtube video]
Author: Sadashige Ishida
Lisence: BSD
Running the executables without command line arguments will display the usage. Data files are located in the hgf_assets folder.
Space: Turn on/off the clock.
s: Proceed one time step.
Slash: Turn on/off the scene specific update.
b: Burst a randomly chosen bubble.
l: Move constrained vertices to left.
r: Move constrained vertices to right.
+: Inflate a bubble.
-: Deflate a bubble.
m: Change rendering mode.
o: Save the state as files containing information of mesh, labels, and constrained vertices.
O: Save the state as above, but with ghost vertices and faces.
and etc.
This program is built by standard procedures using CMAKE (
The following external libraries are required:
Eigen (
libigl (
OpenGL (
GLEW ( for non-mac OS
This program is built on SoapFilm3D, which is a simulation program accompanying the paper “Double Bubbles Sans Toil and Trouble: Discrete Circulation-Preserving Vortex Sheets for Soap Films and Foams”, Da et al., Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH 2015).