The goal is to design and create the structure of a Music app which would allow a user to play audio files.
The app’s structure is suitable for a music player app. A similarly structured app which focuses on audiobooks, podcasts, or other audio media is also acceptable.
Each activity is clearly labelled, using a TextView, such that the final purpose of such an activity is easy to understand. For instance, one screen might be labelled ‘song detail screen’ and another might be labelled ‘music library’.
Any activity that requires an external library or class not yet covered includes the name of that library or class. For instance, a payment screen might include information on how to process the payment.
The app contains 3 to 6 activities.
The app contains multiple activities, each labelled, which together make a cohesive music app.
Each activity contains a TextView which explains the purpose of the activity.
Each activity contains buttons which link it to other activities a user should be able to reach from that activity. For instance, a ‘library’ activity might contain a button to move to the ‘now playing’ activity.
The code adheres to all of the following best practices:
• Text sizes are defined in sp
• Lengths are defined in dp
• Padding and margin is used appropriately, such that the views are not crammed up against each other.