This project will give you an auto-generated recipe app with less time for the database and more on Dart Programming Language.
These instructions will give you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on deploying the project on your device.
- Utilize Google AI Gemini to access a wide array of recipes effortlessly.
- Save your favorite recipes to your account for easy reference.
- Change theme and update profile information as desired.
- Seamlessly navigate to instructional videos on YouTube through suggested videos for enhanced guidance.
- Download an IDE such as Visual Studio, Android Studio, or IntelliJ IDEA. (I personally prefer using Android Studio.)
- Install Git for project cloning.
- Install Flutter and Dart.
After cloning this repo to your desktop open it with Android Studio
- First, navigate to the Plugins tab to download Flutter and Dart.
- After that, open your file and check if you have connected to any real devices like phone, tablet, ... or virtual devices or not. If not, visit this link.
- Then, you need to choose Run/Debug Configurations -> Edit Configurations... and configure like this image with KEYs are your API keys.
- FIREBASE_KEY can be generated through Firebase instructions.
- API_KEY and API_KEY1 can be generated in Google Cloud Console.
- If you build an APK file please change String.fromEnvironment('') to the actual key.
When you are done configuring your project, press the run or debug icon to start the app.
Add additional notes to deploy this on a live system: Gemini Recipe
This project is licensed under the Apache License 2.0.
See the file for details.