By Aayush Jain(Darkshadow)
- Created a Deep Learning Pipeline which will use pre-trained models(transfer learning) for making predctions on cotton diseased plants.
- The datasets consists of images of cotton plants with diseases.
Python: 3.7
Libraries Used: Tensorflow, numpy, glob
Tensorflow Version: 2.2.0
Link of Dataset: Dataset
- We have used two pre-built models called Resnet15 and InceptionV3.
- They are available in Tensorflow keras api and also in the link given below.
- To get Resnet152V2 trained model : RESNET15V2
- To get InceptionV3 trained model : INCEPTIONV3
- After training the data, watching the training accuracy and validation accuracy we can say that both the models are having almost same accuracy that's training accuracy ~98% and validation accuracy ~96%.
- For production we can use InceptionV3 as it has less trainable parameters and we get similar accuracy as Resnet152V2 which as comparitively much high trainable parameters.
- To run the project:
- Step1: Fork the repo. to your local machine.
- Step2: Go to Cotton Diseases folder.
- Step3: Type command "python -m http.server 8000".
- Step4: Open browser and go to "localhost:8000".