A simple and comfy torrent client in Java 8
peer exchange | magnet links | DHT
stream ist eine kostenlose Applikation zum Dateitransfer, die mithilfe der Programmiersprache Java umgesetzt wurde. Zur Datenübertragung wird das BitTorrent Protokoll genutzt. Mit diesem Protokoll ist es möglich, einfach und schnell auch große Dateien herunterzuladen und an andere zu verteilen. stream ist eine Diplomarbeit von Martin Pichler und Marcel Topeiner, die im Zuge der Ausbildung in der HTL Paul Hahn entstanden ist. Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, eine Java Applikation zu entwerfen, die auch von Personen benutzt werden kann, die sich weniger in dieser Materie auskennen. Trotzdem sollte die UI-Umsetzung möglichst modern und ansprechend aufgebaut sein.
enstream is a free application for filetransport, which was implemented with the programming language java. The BitTorrent-protocol is used for file transmission. With this protocol it's possible to download and share large files fast and easy. stream is a diploma thesis by Martin Pichler and Marcel Topeiner, which has been developed during their schoolarship at the Paul-Hahn-HTL (higher technical college). Goal of the work was to design a java application, which could be used by professionals as well as rookies. Another aspect aimed at the creation of a modern and appealing user-interface.
because of the broad positive feedback which we received during the doors-open-days on the 10th and 11th of january we will leave this repository open to the public indefinitely
- HOME – repository with documentation (will be added april 2020)
- MEDIA - associated media
- INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS - how to install the stream application
- OUTSTANDING - what makes stream stand out from the crowd
- TROUBLESHOOTING - solutions for some common problems
- Bt by atomashpolskiy - Library which is used to realize the backend capabilities of the application
- Free Torrent Files - A website which provides free and legal torrent files
download or clone the zipped repository and open the project in IntelliJ IDEA. now you can compile and run the programm in the JVM. more detailed installation instructions can be found in the main documentation once it is released
in order to run stream perfectly you are required to have java installed. If your computer is not one of the 3 Billion lucky devices yet, its about time. access your webbrowser and dwonload java from the oracle website, after that follow the installation instructions of the installer. now you can continue with the JDK: (JDK)https://www3.ntu.edu.sg/home/ehchua/programming/howto/JDK_Howto.html
after that has happened, follow the link below to get instructions on how to install the IDE IntelliJ IDEA: https://treehouse.github.io/installation-guides/windows/intellij-idea-win.html
you're almost there! now you need to set up the downloaded repository in IntelliJ IDEA. a guide to do so is listed below: https://subscription.packtpub.com/book/application_development/9781785286124/2/ch02lvl1sec24/creating-a-new-maven-project-in-intellij-idea
important: in this stage of development you need the free software "betternet vpn" in order to induce your downloads. download it here: https://www.betternet.co/
the simple and neat user interface makes stream to one of the best available torrent-clients when it comes to accessibility. it is designed to leave no room for confusion and should convince even the least tech-savvy users to try it out on their own.
with help of the BitTorrent-protocol, stream manages to use its resources more efficient than other applications like most internet browsers. this enables stream to achieve better download-stats and helps you both save time and nerves when downloading big files.
with a specific selection in the ui it is possible to configure partial download. after the torrent file has been fetched one can select certain files from the torrent-package which should be downloaded. through this possibility unnecessary network traffic can be avoided.
the stream torrent application does not only come in german but also in the languages english spanish and french. we hope to please all nationalities through our diverse offering of user interface languages.
stream's most recent realease features a widley requested, highly anticipated feature: the dark mode! with the new dark mode feature which can be toggled in the settings panel, you will find it even more comfortable to use stream in the night!
- check out Release Notes for details!
You may need to install and set up a VPN on your machine, we recommend https://www.betternet.co/
instead of running the jar file directly you may want to cosider running it from a shell instance in order to correctly display the torrent file selection
you are required to start the stream application inside the IntelliJ IDEA environment to ensure the torrent-part selection will appear in the command line interface. if you have started the application in an alternate way please try to start it in the IntelliJ IDEA integrated development environment
due to certain unique features of foreign languages (french) it may happen that the ui of stream will get unrecognizeable after switching the language to it. If this is the case, you may have an outdated version of stream, because this flaw was already fixed in a previous release. please consider downloading the latest version of stream from the official repository
Any thoughts, ideas, criticism, etc. are welcome, as well as votes for new features to be added. You have the following options to share your ideas, receive help or report bugs:
- open a new GitHub issue
- contact the project team E-Mail
List of supported BEPs (from https://github.com/atomashpolskiy/bt/blob/master/README.md)
- BEP-3: The BitTorrent Protocol Specification
- BEP-5: DHT Protocol
- BEP-9: Extension for Peers to Send Metadata Files
- BEP-10: Extension Protocol
- BEP-11: Peer Exchange (PEX)
- BEP-12: Multitracker metadata extension
- BEP-14: Local Service Discovery
- BEP-15: UDP Tracker Protocol
- BEP-20: Peer ID Conventions
- BEP-23: Tracker Returns Compact Peer Lists
- BEP-27: Private Torrents
- BEP-41: UDP Tracker Protocol Extensions
- Message Stream Encryption