ConnectedDots is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod 'ConnectedDots'
You can create the view through code or InterfaceBuilder
To configure control from code use
//Total number of dots
dots.numberOfDots = 8
//Default fill color
dots.defaultColor = .blue
//Dot radius
dots.dotRadius = 20.0
//Width of line that connects dots
dots.connectorLineWidth = 6.0
//Whether to show number inside dot
dots.showText = true
//Dots number font
dots.textFont = UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 20.0)
//Dots number text color
dots.textColor = .darkGray
//Filled dots text color
dots.filledDotTextColor = .white
//Change to start dot text from different number (*default is 0*)
dots.textStartingNumber = 0
//Change dot selection outline color and width
dots.selectionOutlineColor = .red
dots.selectionOutlineWidth = 2.0
//Change content insets
dots.insets = UIEdgeInsets(top: 0, left: 20, bottom: 0, right: 10)
There are three options available for dots selection:
none - user can't select dot by tapping on it
direct - user selects dot by tapping on it
progressive - works more like UIPageControl. Tapping from the right side selects next dot. Tapping from the left side selects the previous dot.
Default is direct. Change it from code:
dots.selectionType = .progressive
Use delegate if you want to limit selection of some dots
dots.delegate = self
func connectedDots(_ connectedDots: ConnectedDots, shouldSelectDotAt index: Int) -> Bool {
return index % 2 == 0
To set dots fill color use following functions
//Apply fill color to dot at index
dots.setFillColor(.orange, forDotWithIndex: 1)
//Remove fill color for dot at index
dots.resetDotFillColor(atIndex: 1)
//Remove fill color for all dots
To select dot programmatically
//Select dot at index
dots.selectDot(atIndex: 6)
//Deselect dot
//Get selected dot index
To be notified about dot selection change use Value Changed
event. Create connection to IBAction from Interface Builder or use:
dots.addTarget(self, action: #selector(self.dotsSelectionChanged(_:)), for: .valueChanged)
Artur Balabanskyy, [email protected]
ConnectedDots is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.