Develop a Quiz Application.
API Integration
- Fetch questions from the Quiz API.
Question Presentation
- Display a single question per page with corresponding options.
Progress Tracking
- Display a progress bar at the top of each page to indicate the user's progress through the quiz.
- The progress bar's width will increase as the user completes each question.
Answer Selection
- Allow users to select one or more options as their answer(s).
- Highlight or check the selected options to indicate the user's choice.
- Calculate the user's score based on the number of correct answers.
- Display the final score to the user upon quiz completion.
- Allow users to navigate back and forth between questions and change already selected answers.
- Prevent editing of answers once the quiz is submitted.
Optional Features
- Persist the user's progress using local storage, allowing them to resume where they left off after a page refresh.
- Display the results in a chart or graph.
- React.js: Primary framework for building the user interface and managing the application's state.
- Vite: Build tool for fast development and server-side rendering.
- Ant Design: Component library providing pre-built UI elements like buttons, progress bars, and input fields.
- React Context / Redux: Mechanism for sharing data between components without prop drilling, used to manage the quiz's state, including the current question, selected answers, and score.
- Tailwind CSS: Utility-first CSS framework for styling the application's components.
- 3 days
- Fork the repository.
- Work on the interview task in your forked repository.
- Make regular commits of your work, your commit structure will also be reviewed.
- After completing the task, raise a Pull Request (PR) to the project's main branch.
If you face any issues, feel free to contact us at:
Email: [email protected]