The easiest way to find, use and share CSS3 animations.
Happy animating!!! AniCollection.
AniCollection is a collection of awesome CSS3 animations from many libraries and many people. To give you an easy way to find, use and share it.
Need to find cool animations to improve your Website?
AniCollection is great for that.
Want to integrate some animation with your code quickly?
AniCollection is great for that.
Want to share an awesome animation with the world?
AniCollection is great for that.
Having trouble? Find a bug? Need any sort of question answered? Ask it here and we'll get back to you as soon as we can.
Ask it here.
Details help!
Screenshots and screencasts go a long way in helping us troubleshoot.
Pull requests are the way to go here. We apologise in advance for the slow action on pull requests. We only have four rules for submitting a pull request.
Match the naming convention (camelCase).
Categorised (fades, slides, etc).
A see a demo of submitted animations in a pen.
Fill the metadata of animation as comments in the css source.
/* *@name bounce *@className bounce animated *@editionLink *@author Dan Eden *@source Animate.css *@sourceUrl *@license MIT */
Check the AniCollection browser compatibility table
AniCollection respects third party’s copyrights, you migth pay attention to the animations license notification.
We hate the contact forms :(
You can find us on Twitter, Blog, or simply by email.
- Dan Eden
- Nick Pettit
- You :)
Anicollection is licensed under the MIT license. (