🚀 你的YOLO部署神器。TensorRT Plugin、CUDA Kernel、CUDA Graphs三管齐下,享受闪电般的推理速度。| Your YOLO Deployment Powerhouse. With the synergy of TensorRT Plugins, CUDA Kernels, and CUDA Graphs, experience lightning-fast…
Modern markdown editor application, Build fast and efficient workflows.
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An image upload and manage tool, base on PicGo
haoxiangxu23 / stado
Forked from delanoNieh/stadoSpatio-Temporal Action Detection with Occlusion
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A browser extension for saving web documents locally, allowing you to access them offline and quickly search for webpage content without an internet connection, while also saving browser memory usage.
A cross-platform Echarts dashboard application,Powerpoint-like, designed based on Excel data, with the capability to update data remotely.supports line, spline, area, areaspline, column, bar, pie, …
Goelect is an open-source, self-contained Golang library designed to facilitate leader election within a distributed system.
A lightweight, high-performance go mqtt server(v3.0|v3.1.1|v5.0) supporting distributed cluster
OpenDILab Decision AI Engine. The Most Comprehensive Reinforcement Learning Framework B.P.
Toolkit for Prompt Compression
API Gateways routing performance benchmark
基于go-wire进行依赖注入重构的Golang Web骨架,方便进行web应用快速开发
Course to get into Large Language Models (LLMs) with roadmaps and Colab notebooks.
A simple, intuitive and customizable data validator