This library implements a CSS tokenizer, parser and grammar matcher in PHP.
use Wikimedia\CSS\Parser\Parser;
use Wikimedia\CSS\Sanitizer\StylesheetSanitizer;
/** Parse a stylesheet from a string **/
$parser = Parser::newFromString( $cssText );
$stylesheet = $parser->parseStylesheet();
/** Report any parser errors **/
foreach ( $parser->getParseErrors() as list( $code, $line, $pos ) ) {
// $code is a string that should be suitable as a key for an i18n library.
// See for details.
$error = lookupI18nMessage( "css-parse-error-$code" );
echo "Parse error: $error at line $line character $pos\n";
/** Apply sanitization to the stylesheet **/
// If you need to customize the defaults, copy the code of this method and
// modify it.
$sanitizer = StylesheetSanitizer::newDefault();
$newStylesheet = $sanitizer->sanitize( $stylesheet );
/** Report any sanitizer errors **/
foreach ( $sanitizer->getSanitizationErrors() as list( $code, $line, $pos ) ) {
// $code is a string that should be suitable as a key for an i18n library.
// See for details.
$error = lookupI18nMessage( "css-sanitization-error-$code" );
echo "Sanitization error: $error at line $line character $pos\n";
/** Convert the sanitized stylesheet back to text **/
$newText = (string)$newStylesheet;
// Or if you'd rather have it minified too
$minifiedText = Wikimedia\CSS\Util::stringify( $newStylesheet, [ 'minify' => true ] );
The library follows the following grammar specifications:
- CSS Syntax Level 3, 2019-07-16
- CSS Values and Units Module Level 3, 2019-06-06
- CSS Selectors Level 3, 2018-11-06
The sanitizer recognizes the following CSS modules:
- Align Level 3, 2018-12-06
- Animations Level 1, 2018-10-11
- Backgrounds Level 3, 2017-10-17
- Break Level 3, 2018-12-04
- Cascade Level 4, 2018-08-28
- Color Level 3, 2018-06-19
- Compositing Level 1, 2015-01-13
- CSS Level 2, 2011-06-07
- Display Level 3, 2019-07-11
- Filter Effects Level 1, 2018-12-18
- Flexbox Level 1, 2018-11-19
- Fonts Level 3, 2018-09-20
- Grid Level 1, 2017-12-14
- Images Level 3, 2019-10-10
- Masking Level 1, 2014-08-26
- Multicol Level 1, 2019-10-15
- Overflow Level 3, 2018-07-31
- Page Level 3, 2018-10-18
- Position Level 3, 2016-05-17
- Shapes Level 1, 2014-03-20
- Sizing Level 3, 2019-05-22
- Text Level 3, 2019-11-13
- Text Decorations Level 3, 2019-08-13
- Easing Level 1, 2019-04-30
- Transforms Level 1, 2019-02-14
- Transitions Level 1, 2018-10-11
- UI 3 Level 3, 2018-06-21
- UI 4 Level 4, 2020-01-02
- Writing Modes Level 4, 2019-07-30
And also the touch-action
property from
Pointer Events Level 2, 2019-04-04.
composer install --prefer-dist
composer test
We required a CSS sanitizer with several properties:
- Strict parsing according to modern standards.
- Includes line and character position for all errors.
- Configurable to limit unsafe constructs such as external URL references.
- Errors are easily localizable.
We could not find a library that fit these requirements, so we created one.