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Java SDK is a Java development kit for PlatON public chain provided by PlatON for Java developers.


git clone
cd client-sdk-java/
./gradlew clean jar            //Generate jar package
./gradlew clean distZip        //Generate code generation skeleton tool
./gradlew -Pintegration-tests=true :integration-tests:test    //To run the integration tests:




compile "com.platon.sdk:core:"
  • use in project
  1. SDK includes PlatON network already. User can initialize custom networks, the latest is the current network.
NetworkParameters.init(2000L, "ABC");  

chain ID 201018 is reserved for Alaya, and chain ID 210425 is reserved for PlatON.

  1. user can switch current network if multi-networks have been initialized.
NetworkParameters.selectNetwork(2000L, "ABC");  
  1. In Alaya, the gas price for submitting a proposal is lower than in PlatON. When initializing a network with the parameter chainId:201018 or hrp:atp, this network will be considered as an Alaya network.