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WWST-2088 - WWST-2089 - WWST-2090 - New weather API (SmartThingsCommu…
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juano2310 authored and bflorian committed Dec 20, 2018
1 parent 044330e commit 22110a1
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Showing 3 changed files with 197 additions and 240 deletions.
240 changes: 114 additions & 126 deletions smartapps/egid/smart-windows.src/smart-windows.groovy
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,165 +1,153 @@
* Smart Windows
* Compares two temperatures – indoor vs outdoor, for example – then sends an alert if windows are open (or closed!).
* Compares two temperatures – indoor vs outdoor, for example – then sends an alert if windows are open (or closed!).
* Copyright 2014 Eric Gideon
* Based in part on the "When it's going to rain" SmartApp by the SmartThings team,
* Based in part on the "When it's going to rain" SmartApp by the SmartThings team,
* primarily the message throttling code.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
* in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed
* on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
* for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
name: "Smart Windows",
namespace: "egid",
author: "Eric Gideon",
description: "Compares two temperatures – indoor vs outdoor, for example – then sends an alert if windows are open (or closed!). If you don't use an external temperature device, your location will be used instead.",
iconUrl: "",
iconX2Url: "[email protected]",
pausable: true
name: "Smart Windows",
namespace: "egid",
author: "Eric Gideon",
description: "Compares two temperatures – indoor vs outdoor, for example – then sends an alert if windows are open (or closed!). If you don't use an external temperature device, your location will be used instead.",
iconUrl: "",
iconX2Url: "[email protected]",
pausable: true

preferences {

if (!(location.zipCode || ( location.latitude && location.longitude )) && location.channelName == 'samsungtv') {
section { paragraph title: "Note:", "Location is required for this SmartApp. Go to 'Location Name' settings to setup your correct location." }

section( "Set the temperature range for your comfort zone..." ) {
input "minTemp", "number", title: "Minimum temperature"
input "maxTemp", "number", title: "Maximum temperature"
section( "Select windows to check..." ) {
input "sensors", "capability.contactSensor", multiple: true
section( "Select temperature devices to monitor..." ) {
input "inTemp", "capability.temperatureMeasurement", title: "Indoor"
input "outTemp", "capability.temperatureMeasurement", title: "Outdoor (optional)", required: false

if (location.channelName != 'samsungtv') {
section( "Set your location" ) { input "zipCode", "text", title: "Zip code" }

section( "Notifications" ) {
input "sendPushMessage", "enum", title: "Send a push notification?", metadata:[values:["Yes","No"]], required:false
input "retryPeriod", "number", title: "Minutes between notifications:"
section { paragraph title: "Note:", "Location is required for this SmartApp. Go to 'Location Name' settings to setup your correct location." }

section( "Set the temperature range for your comfort zone..." ) {
input "minTemp", "number", title: "Minimum temperature"
input "maxTemp", "number", title: "Maximum temperature"
section( "Select windows to check..." ) {
input "sensors", "capability.contactSensor", multiple: true
section( "Select temperature devices to monitor..." ) {
input "inTemp", "capability.temperatureMeasurement", title: "Indoor"
input "outTemp", "capability.temperatureMeasurement", title: "Outdoor (optional)", required: false

if (location.channelName != 'samsungtv') {
section( "Set your location" ) { input "zipCode", "text", title: "Zip code" }

section( "Notifications" ) {
input "sendPushMessage", "enum", title: "Send a push notification?", metadata:[values:["Yes","No"]], required:false
input "retryPeriod", "number", title: "Minutes between notifications:"

def installed() {
log.debug "Installed: $settings"
subscribe( inTemp, "temperature", temperatureHandler )
log.debug "Installed: $settings"
subscribe( inTemp, "temperature", temperatureHandler )

def updated() {
log.debug "Updated: $settings"
subscribe( inTemp, "temperature", temperatureHandler )
log.debug "Updated: $settings"
subscribe( inTemp, "temperature", temperatureHandler )

def temperatureHandler(evt) {
def currentOutTemp = null
if ( outTemp ) {
currentOutTemp = outTemp.latestValue("temperature")
} else {
log.debug "No external temperature device set. Checking WUnderground...."
currentOutTemp = weatherCheck()

def currentInTemp = evt.doubleValue
def openWindows = sensors.findAll { it?.latestValue("contact") == 'open' }

log.trace "Temp event: $evt" "In: $currentInTemp; Out: $currentOutTemp"

// Don't spam notifications
// *TODO* use from Severe Weather Alert to do this better
if (!retryPeriod) {
def retryPeriod = 30
def timeAgo = new Date(now() - (1000 * 60 * retryPeriod).toLong())
def recentEvents = inTemp.eventsSince(timeAgo)
log.trace "Found ${recentEvents?.size() ?: 0} events in the last $retryPeriod minutes"

// Figure out if we should notify
if ( currentInTemp > minTemp && currentInTemp < maxTemp ) { "In comfort zone: $currentInTemp is between $minTemp and $maxTemp."
log.debug "No notifications sent."
} else if ( currentInTemp > maxTemp ) {
// Too warm. Can we do anything?

def alreadyNotified = recentEvents.count { it.doubleValue > currentOutTemp } > 1

if ( !alreadyNotified ) {
if ( currentOutTemp < maxTemp && !openWindows ) {
send( "Open some windows to cool down the house! Currently ${currentInTemp}°F inside and ${currentOutTemp}°F outside." )
} else if ( currentOutTemp > maxTemp && openWindows ) {
send( "It's gotten warmer outside! You should close these windows: ${openWindows.join(', ')}. Currently ${currentInTemp}°F inside and ${currentOutTemp}°F outside." )
} else {
log.debug "No notifications sent. Everything is in the right place."
} else {
log.debug "Already notified! No notifications sent."
} else if ( currentInTemp < minTemp ) {
// Too cold! Is it warmer outside?

def alreadyNotified = recentEvents.count { it.doubleValue < currentOutTemp } > 1

if ( !alreadyNotified ) {
if ( currentOutTemp > minTemp && !openWindows ) {
send( "Open some windows to warm up the house! Currently ${currentInTemp}°F inside and ${currentOutTemp}°F outside." )
} else if ( currentOutTemp < minTemp && openWindows ) {
send( "It's gotten colder outside! You should close these windows: ${openWindows.join(', ')}. Currently ${currentInTemp}°F inside and ${currentOutTemp}°F outside." )
} else {
log.debug "No notifications sent. Everything is in the right place."
} else {
log.debug "Already notified! No notifications sent."
def currentOutTemp = null
if ( outTemp ) {
currentOutTemp = outTemp.latestValue("temperature")
} else {
log.debug "No external temperature device set. Checking The Weather Company..."
currentOutTemp = weatherCheck()

def currentInTemp = evt.doubleValue
def openWindows = sensors.findAll { it?.latestValue("contact") == 'open' }

log.trace "Temp event: $evt" "In: $currentInTemp; Out: $currentOutTemp"

// Don't spam notifications
// *TODO* use from Severe Weather Alert to do this better
if (!retryPeriod) {
def retryPeriod = 30
def timeAgo = new Date(now() - (1000 * 60 * retryPeriod).toLong())
def recentEvents = inTemp.eventsSince(timeAgo)
log.trace "Found ${recentEvents?.size() ?: 0} events in the last $retryPeriod minutes"

// Figure out if we should notify
if ( currentInTemp > minTemp && currentInTemp < maxTemp ) { "In comfort zone: $currentInTemp is between $minTemp and $maxTemp."
log.debug "No notifications sent."
} else if ( currentInTemp > maxTemp ) {
// Too warm. Can we do anything?

def alreadyNotified = recentEvents.count { it.doubleValue > currentOutTemp } > 1

if ( !alreadyNotified ) {
if ( currentOutTemp < maxTemp && !openWindows ) {
send( "Open some windows to cool down the house! Currently ${currentInTemp}°F inside and ${currentOutTemp}°F outside." )
} else if ( currentOutTemp > maxTemp && openWindows ) {
send( "It's gotten warmer outside! You should close these windows: ${openWindows.join(', ')}. Currently ${currentInTemp}°F inside and ${currentOutTemp}°F outside." )
} else {
log.debug "No notifications sent. Everything is in the right place."
} else {
log.debug "Already notified! No notifications sent."
} else if ( currentInTemp < minTemp ) {
// Too cold! Is it warmer outside?
def alreadyNotified = recentEvents.count { it.doubleValue < currentOutTemp } > 1
if ( !alreadyNotified ) {
if ( currentOutTemp > minTemp && !openWindows ) {
send( "Open some windows to warm up the house! Currently ${currentInTemp}°F inside and ${currentOutTemp}°F outside." )
} else if ( currentOutTemp < minTemp && openWindows ) {
send( "It's gotten colder outside! You should close these windows: ${openWindows.join(', ')}. Currently ${currentInTemp}°F inside and ${currentOutTemp}°F outside." )
} else {
log.debug "No notifications sent. Everything is in the right place."
} else {
log.debug "Already notified! No notifications sent."

def weatherCheck() {
def json
if (location.channelName != 'samsungtv')
json = getWeatherFeature("conditions", zipCode)
json = getWeatherFeature("conditions")
def currentTemp = json?.current_observation?.temp_f

if ( currentTemp ) {
log.trace "Temp: $currentTemp (WeatherUnderground)"
return currentTemp
} else {
log.warn "Did not get a temp: $json"
return false
def obs = getTwcConditions(zipCode)
def currentTemp = obs.temperature
if ( currentTemp ) {
log.trace "Temp: $currentTemp (The Weather Company)"
return currentTemp
} else {
log.warn "Did not get a temp: $obs"
return false

private send(msg) {
if ( sendPushMessage != "No" ) {
log.debug( "sending push message" )
sendPush( msg )
if ( sendPushMessage != "No" ) {
log.debug( "sending push message" )
sendPush( msg )
sendEvent(linkText:app.label, descriptionText:msg, eventType:"SOLUTION_EVENT", displayed: true, name:"summary")

if ( phone1 ) {
log.debug( "sending text message" )
sendSms( phone1, msg )
} msg
if ( phone1 ) {
log.debug( "sending text message" )
sendSms( phone1, msg )
} msg
48 changes: 14 additions & 34 deletions smartapps/imbrianj/ready-for-rain.src/ready-for-rain.groovy
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -78,13 +78,8 @@ def scheduleCheck(evt) {
// Only need to poll if we haven't checked in a while - and if something is left open.
if((now() - (30 * 60 * 1000) > state.lastCheck["time"]) && open) {"Something's open - let's check the weather.")
def response
if (location.channelName != 'samsungtv')
response = getWeatherFeature("forecast", zipCode)
response = getWeatherFeature("forecast")
def response = getTwcForecast(zipCode)
def weather = isStormy(response)

if(weather) {
send("${open.join(', ')} ${plural} open and ${weather} coming.")
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -123,34 +118,19 @@ private send(msg) {

private isStormy(json) {
def types = ["rain", "snow", "showers", "sprinkles", "precipitation"]
def forecast = json?.forecast?.txt_forecast?.forecastday?.first()
def result = false

if(forecast) {
def text = forecast?.fcttext?.toLowerCase()


if(text) {
for (int i = 0; i < types.size() && !result; i++) {
if(text.contains(types[i])) {
result = types[i]
private isStormy(forecast) {
def result = false
if(forecast) {
def text = forecast.daypart?.precipType[0][0]
if(text) {"We got ${text}")
result = text
} else {"Got forecast, nothing coming soon.")

else {
log.warn("Got forecast, couldn't parse.")
} else {
log.warn("Did not get a forecast: ${forecast}")

else {
log.warn("Did not get a forecast: ${json}")

state.lastCheck = ["time": now(), "result": result]

return result
state.lastCheck = ["time": now(), "result": result]
return result

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