To run your Remix app locally, make sure your project's local dependencies are installed:
yarn install
Afterwards, start the Remix development server like so:
yarn dev
If setting up for the first time you may need to run yarn run dev:css
before running yarn dev
Generate the prisma client, run migrations and seed the database:
yarn setup
If you pull down commits with updates to the schema make sure you run migrations:
yarn prisma migrate dev
Sometimes you might also want to generate Typescript types, perhaps after a schema.prisma change
yarn prisma generate
To reset the database and start fresh you can run the following command to delete database data, run migrations and seed the database:
yarn reset
Open up http://localhost:3000 and you should be ready to go!
Sometimes you might also want to generate Typescript types, perhaps after a schema.prisma change
yarn prisma generate
Log in to Fly
flyctl auth login
Create tunnel
fly proxy 5436:5432 -a mdao-db-staging
Connect to database
- Host: localhost
- Port: 5436
- User: postgres
- Password: get from a developer
- Database: postgres
- There is a known issue with MetaMask where triggering a disconnect using Rainbowkit/Wagmi does not fully disconnect the wallet, and after a page refresh it will still be connected in the browser. The user can disconnect directly through their MetaMask wallet and it will fully disconnect. [](Link to report of issue here)