A free python package to help get started in building and interacting with a local database of currency exchange rates.
- Rates provided by Bank of Canada. Includes function for fetching and saving latest rates using BoC API
- Offline JSON historical database reduces reliance on external API availability (records to 2017-01-03, TODO: extend historical records)
- ~24 modern currencies supported
pip install local-forex
cd local-forex
pip install -r requirements.txt
import local_forex
fx = local_forex.ForexRates()
# Example conversion rate query for USD/EUR on December 02, 2020
from datetime import datetime
rate = fx.get_conversion_rate(base="USD", quote="EUR", date=datetime(2020,12,02))
- backfill.py is included for convenience. Run Mon-Fri after 16:30EST to update database daily (e.g. Launchd on MacOS).
online_rates = fx.fetch_boc_rates()