The bioinfokit toolkit aimed to provide various easy-to-use functionalities to analyze,
visualize, and interpret the biological data generated from genome-scale omics experiments.
How to install:
bioinfokit requires
- Python 3
- NumPy
- scikit-learn
- seaborn
- pandas
- matplotlib
- SciPy
git clone
cd bioinfokit
python install
Volcano plot
bioinfokit.visuz.gene_exp.volcano(table, lfc, pv, lfc_thr, pv_thr, color, valpha, geneid, genenames, gfont, gstyle, sign_line, dotsize, markerdot, r, dim, show, figtype, axxlabel, axylabel, axlabelfontsize, axlabelfontname, axtickfontsize, axtickfontname, xlm, ylm)
Parameters | Description |
table |
Pandas dataframe table having atleast gene IDs, log fold change, P-values or adjusted P-values columns |
lfc |
Name of a column having log or absolute fold change values [string][default:logFC] |
pv |
Name of a column having P-values or adjusted P-values [string][default:p_values] |
lfc_thr |
Log or absolute fold change cutoff for up and downregulated genes [float][default:1.0] |
pv_thr |
P-values or adjusted P-values cutoff for up and downregulated genes [float][default:0.05] |
color |
Tuple of two colors [tuple][default: ("green", "red")] |
valpha |
Transparency of points on volcano plot [float (between 0 and 1)][default: 1.0] |
geneid |
Name of a column having gene Ids. This is necessary for plotting gene label on the points [string][default: None] |
genenames |
Tuple of gene Ids to label the points. The gene Ids must be present in the geneid column. If this option set to "deg" it will label all genes defined by lfc_thr and pv_thr [string, tuple, dict][default: None] |
gfont |
Font size for genenames [float][default: 10.0]. gfont not compatible with gstyle=2. |
gstyle |
Style of the text for genenames. 1 for default text and 2 for box text [int][default: 1] |
sign_line |
Show grid lines on plot with defined log fold change (lfc_thr ) and P-value (pv_thr ) threshold value [True or False][default:False] |
dotsize |
The size of the dots in the plot [float][default: 8] |
markerdot |
Shape of the dot marker. See more options at [string][default: "o"] |
dim |
Figure size [tuple of two floats (width, height) in inches][default: (5, 5)] |
r |
Figure resolution in dpi [int][default: 300]. Not compatible with show = True |
figtype |
Format of figure to save. Supported format are eps, pdf, pgf, png, ps, raw, rgba, svg, svgz [string][default:'png'] |
show |
Show the figure on console instead of saving in current folder [True or False][default:False] |
axxlabel |
Label for X-axis. If you provide this option, default label will be replaced [string][default: None] |
axylabel |
Label for Y-axis. If you provide this option, default label will be replaced [string][default: None] |
axlabelfontsize |
Font size for axis labels [float][default: 9] |
axlabelfontname |
Font name for axis labels [string][default: 'Arial'] |
axtickfontsize |
Font size for axis ticks [float][default: 9] |
axtickfontname |
Font name for axis ticks [string][default: 'Arial'] |
xlm |
Range of ticks to plot on X-axis [float (left, right, interval)][default: None] |
ylm |
Range of ticks to plot on Y-axis [float (bottom, top, interval)][default: None] |
Volcano plot image in same directory (volcano.png) Working example
MA plot, lfc, ct_count, st_count, lfc_thr, color, dim, dotsize, show, r, valpha, figtype, axxlabel, axylabel, axlabelfontsize, axtickfontsize, axtickfontname, xlm, ylm)
Parameters | Description |
table |
Pandas dataframe table having atleast gene IDs, log fold change, and normalized counts (control and treatment) columns |
lfc |
Name of a column having log fold change values [default:logFC] |
ct_count |
Name of a column having count values for control sample [default:value1] |
st_count |
Name of a column having count values for treatment sample [default:value2] |
lfc_thr |
Log fold change cutoff for up and downregulated genes [default:1] |
color |
Tuple of two colors [tuple][default: ("green", "red")] |
dotsize |
The size of the dots in the plot [float][default: 8] |
markerdot |
Shape of the dot marker. See more options at [string][default: "o"] |
valpha |
Transparency of points on plot [float (between 0 and 1)][default: 1.0] |
dim |
Figure size [tuple of two floats (width, height) in inches][default: (5, 5)] |
r |
Figure resolution in dpi [int][default: 300]. Not compatible with show = True |
figtype |
Format of figure to save. Supported format are eps, pdf, pgf, png, ps, raw, rgba, svg, svgz [string][default:'png'] |
show |
Show the figure on console instead of saving in current folder [True or False][default:False] |
axxlabel |
Label for X-axis. If you provide this option, default label will be replaced [string][default: None] |
axylabel |
Label for Y-axis. If you provide this option, default label will be replaced [string][default: None] |
axlabelfontsize |
Font size for axis labels [float][default: 9] |
axtickfontsize |
Font size for axis ticks [float][default: 9] |
axtickfontname |
Font name for axis ticks [string][default: 'Arial'] |
xlm |
Range of ticks to plot on X-axis [float (left, right, interval)][default: None] |
ylm |
Range of ticks to plot on Y-axis [float (bottom, top, interval)][default: None] |
MA plot image in same directory (ma.png) Working example
Inverted Volcano plot
bioinfokit.visuz.gene_exp.involcano(table, lfc, pv, lfc_thr, pv_thr, color, valpha, geneid, genenames, gfont, gstyle, dotsize, markerdot, r, dim, show, r, dim, show, figtype, axxlabel, axylabel, axlabelfontsize, axtickfontsize, axtickfontname)
Parameters | Description |
table |
Pandas dataframe table having atleast gene IDs, log fold change, P-values or adjusted P-values |
lfc |
Name of a column having log fold change values [default:logFC] |
pv |
Name of a column having P-values or adjusted P-values [default:p_values] |
lfc_thr |
Log fold change cutoff for up and downregulated genes [default:1] |
pv_thr |
P-values or adjusted P-values cutoff for up and downregulated genes [default:0.05] |
color |
Tuple of two colors [tuple][default: ("green", "red")] |
valpha |
Transparency of points on volcano plot [float (between 0 and 1)][default: 1.0] |
geneid |
Name of a column having gene Ids. This is necessary for plotting gene label on the points [string][default: None] |
genenames |
Tuple of gene Ids to label the points. The gene Ids must be present in the geneid column. If this option set to "deg" it will label all genes defined by lfc_thr and pv_thr [string, tuple, dict][default: None] |
gfont |
Font size for genenames [float][default: 10.0] |
gstyle |
Style of the text for genenames. 1 for default text and 2 for box text [int][default: 1] |
dotsize |
The size of the dots in the plot [float][default: 8] |
markerdot |
Shape of the dot marker. See more options at [string][default: "o"] |
dim |
Figure size [tuple of two floats (width, height) in inches][default: (5, 5)] |
r |
Figure resolution in dpi [int][default: 300]. Not compatible with show = True |
figtype |
Format of figure to save. Supported format are eps, pdf, pgf, png, ps, raw, rgba, svg, svgz [string][default:'png'] |
show |
Show the figure on console instead of saving in current folder [True or False][default:False] |
axxlabel |
Label for X-axis. If you provide this option, default label will be replaced [string][default: None] |
axylabel |
Label for Y-axis. If you provide this option, default label will be replaced [string][default: None] |
axlabelfontsize |
Font size for axis labels [float][default: 9] |
axtickfontsize |
Font size for axis ticks [float][default: 9] |
axtickfontname |
Font name for axis ticks [string][default: 'Arial'] |
Inverted volcano plot image in same directory (involcano.png)
Correlation matrix plot
bioinfokit.visuz.stat.corr_mat(table, corm, cmap, r, dim, show, figtype, axtickfontsize, axtickfontname)
Parameters | Description |
table |
Dataframe object with numerical variables (columns) to find correlation. Ideally, you should have three or more variables. Dataframe should not have identifier column. |
corm |
Correlation method [pearson,kendall,spearman] [default:pearson] |
cmap |
Color Palette for heatmap [string][default: 'seismic']. More colormaps are available at |
| Figure resolution in dpi [int][default: 300]. Not compatible with show
= True
| Figure size [tuple of two floats (width, height) in inches][default: (6, 5)]
| Show the figure on console instead of saving in current folder [True or False][default:False]
| Format of figure to save. Supported format are eps, pdf, pgf, png, ps, raw, rgba, svg, svgz [string][default:'png']
| Font size for axis ticks [float][default: 7]
| Font name for axis ticks [string][default: 'Arial']
Correlation matrix plot image in same directory (corr_mat.png)
Merge VCF files
Parameters | Description |
file |
Multiple vcf files separated by comma |
Merged VCF file (merge_vcf.vcf)
Split VCF file
Split single VCF file containing variants for all chromosomes into individual file containing variants for each chromosome
Parameters | Description |
file |
VCF file to split |
id |
chromosome id column in VCF file [string][default='#CHROM'] |
VCF files for each chromosome
Parameters | Description |
table |
Dataframe object with numerical variables (columns). Dataframe should not have identifier column. |
PCA summary, scree plot (screepca.png), and 2D/3D pca plots (pcaplot_2d.png and pcaplot_3d.png)
Reverse complement of DNA sequence
Parameters | Description |
seq |
DNA sequence to perform reverse complement |
file |
DNA sequence in a fasta file |
Reverse complement of original DNA sequence
Sequencing coverage
bioinfokit.analys.seqcov(file, gs)
Parameters | Description |
file |
FASTQ file |
gs |
Genome size in Mbp |
Sequencing coverage of the given FASTQ file
Convert TAB to CSV file
Parameters | Description |
file |
TAB delimited text file |
CSV delimited file (out.csv)
latest update v0.8.4
bioinfokit.visuz.gene_exp.hmap(table, cmap='seismic', scale=True, dim=(6, 8), rowclus=True, colclus=True, zscore=None, xlabel=True, ylabel=True, tickfont=(12, 12), show, r, figtype, figname)
Parameters | Description |
file |
CSV delimited data file. It should not have NA or missing values |
cmap |
Color Palette for heatmap [string][default: 'seismic'] |
scale |
Draw a color key with heatmap [boolean (True or False)][default: True] |
dim |
heatmap figure size [tuple of two floats (width, height) in inches][default: (6, 8)] |
rowclus |
Draw hierarchical clustering for rows [boolean (True or False)][default: True] |
colclus |
Draw hierarchical clustering for columns [boolean (True or False)][default: True] |
zscore |
Z-score standardization of row (0) or column (1). It works when clus is True. [None, 0, 1][default: None] |
xlabel |
Plot X-label [boolean (True or False)][default: True] |
ylabel |
Plot Y-label [boolean (True or False)][default: True] |
tickfont |
Fontsize for X and Y-axis tick labels [tuple of two floats][default: (14, 14)] |
show |
Show the figure on console instead of saving in current folder [True or False][default:False] |
r |
Figure resolution in dpi [int][default: 300]. Not compatible with show = True |
figtype |
Format of figure to save. Supported format are eps, pdf, pgf, png, ps, raw, rgba, svg, svgz [string][default:'png'] |
figname |
name of figure [string ][default:"heatmap"] |
heatmap plot (heatmap.png, heatmap_clus.png)
Venn Diagram
bioinfokit.visuz.venn(vennset, venncolor, vennalpha, vennlabel)
Parameters | Description |
vennset |
Venn dataset for 3 and 2-way venn. Data should be in the format of (100,010,110,001,101,011,111) for 3-way venn and 2-way venn (10, 01, 11) [default: (1,1,1,1,1,1,1)] |
venncolor |
Color Palette for Venn [color code][default: ('#00909e', '#f67280', '#ff971d')] |
vennalpha |
Transparency of Venn [float (0 to 1)][default: 0.5] |
vennlabel |
Labels to Venn [string][default: ('A', 'B', 'C')] |
Venn plot (venn3.png, venn2.png)
Two sample and Welch's t-test
bioinfokit.analys.stat.ttsam(table, xfac, res, evar, alpha)
Parameters | Description |
table |
Pandas dataframe. It should be stacked table with independent (xfac) and dependent (res) variable columns. |
xfac |
Independent group column name with two levels [string][default: None] |
res |
Response variable column name [string][default: None] |
evar |
t-test with equal variance [bool (True or False)][default: True] |
alpha |
Confidence level [float][default: 0.05] |
summary output and group boxplot (ttsam_boxplot.png)
Chi-square test for independence
Parameters | Description |
table |
Pandas dataframe. It should be contingency table. |
summary output and variable mosaic plot (mosaic.png)
File format conversions
Function | Parameters | Description |
bioinfokit.analys.format.fqtofa(file) |
FASTQ file |
Convert FASTQ file into FASTA format |
bioinfokit.analys.format.hmmtocsv(file) |
HMM file |
Convert HMM text output (from HMMER tool) to CSV format |
bioinfokit.analys.format.tabtocsv(file) |
TAB file |
Convert TAB file to CSV format |
bioinfokit.analys.format.csvtotab(file) |
CSV file |
Convert CSV file to TAB format |
Output will be saved in same directory
One-way ANOVA
bioinfokit.stat.oanova(table, res, xfac, ph, phalpha)
Parameters | Description |
table |
Pandas dataframe in stacked table format |
res |
Response variable (dependent variable) [string][default: None] |
xfac |
Treatments or groups or factors (independent variable) [string][default: None] |
ph |
perform pairwise comparisons with Tukey HSD test [bool (True or False)] [default: False] |
phalpha |
significance level Tukey HSD test [float (0 to 1)][default: 0.05] |
ANOVA summary, multiple pairwise comparisons, and assumption tests statistics
Manhatten plot
bioinfokit.visuz.marker.mhat(df, chr, pv, color, dim, r, ar, gwas_sign_line, gwasp, dotsize, markeridcol, markernames, gfont, valpha, show, figtype, axxlabel, axylabel, axlabelfontsize, ylm, gstyle)
Parameters | Description |
df |
Pandas dataframe object with atleast SNP, chromosome, and P-values columns |
chr |
Name of a column having chromosome numbers [string][default:None] |
pv |
Name of a column having P-values. Must be numeric column [string][default:None] |
color |
List the name of the colors to be plotted. It can accept two alternate colors or the number colors equal to chromosome number. If nothing (None) provided, it will randomly assign the color to each chromosome [list][default:None] |
gwas_sign_line |
Plot statistical significant threshold line defined by option gwasp [bool (True or False)][default: False] |
gwasp |
Statistical significant threshold to identify significant SNPs [float][default: 5E-08] |
dotsize |
The size of the dots in the plot [float][default: 8] |
markeridcol |
Name of a column having SNPs. This is necessary for plotting SNP names on the plot [string][default: None] |
markernames |
The list of the SNPs to display on the plot. These SNP should be present in SNP column. Additionally, it also accepts the dict of SNPs and its associated gene name. If this option set to True, it will label all SNPs with P-value significant score defined by gwasp [string, list, tuple, dict][default: True] |
gfont |
Font size for SNP names to display on the plot [float][default: 8]. gfont not compatible with gstyle=2. |
valpha |
Transparency of points on plot [float (between 0 and 1)][default: 1.0] |
dim |
Figure size [tuple of two floats (width, height) in inches][default: (6, 4)] |
r |
Figure resolution in dpi [int][default: 300] |
ar |
Rotation of X-axis labels [float][default: 90] |
figtype |
Format of figure to save. Supported format are eps, pdf, pgf, png, ps, raw, rgba, svg, svgz [string][default:'png'] |
show |
Show the figure on console instead of saving in current folder [True or False][default:False] |
axxlabel |
Label for X-axis. If you provide this option, default label will be replaced [string][default: None] |
axylabel |
Label for Y-axis. If you provide this option, default label will be replaced [string][default: None] |
axlabelfontsize |
Font size for axis labels [float][default: 9] |
ylm |
Range of ticks to plot on Y-axis [float tuple (bottom, top, interval)][default: None] |
gstyle |
Style of the text for markernames. 1 for default text and 2 for box text [int][default: 1] |
Manhatten plot image in same directory (manhatten.png)
Extract the sequences from the FASTA file
bioinfokit.analys.extract_seq(file, id)
Parameters | Description |
file |
input FASTA file from which sequneces to be extracted |
id |
sequence ID file |
Returns: Extracted sequences in FASTA format file in same directory (out.fasta)
Bar-dot plot
bioinfokit.visuz.stat.bardot(df, colorbar, colordot, bw, dim, r, ar, hbsize, errorbar, dotsize, markerdot, valphabar, valphadot, show, figtype, axxlabel, axylabel, axlabelfontsize, axlabelfontname, ylm, axtickfontsize, axtickfontname, yerrlw, yerrcw)
Parameters | Description |
df |
Pandas dataframe object |
colorbar |
Color of bar graph [string or list][default:"#bbcfff"] |
colordot |
Color of dots on bar [string or list][default:"#ee8972"] |
bw |
Width of bar [float][default: 0.4] |
dim |
Figure size [tuple of two floats (width, height) in inches][default: (6, 4)] |
r |
Figure resolution in dpi [int][default: 300] |
ar |
Rotation of X-axis labels [float][default: 0] |
hbsize |
Horizontal bar size for standard error bars [float][default: 4] |
errorbar |
Draw standard error bars [bool (True or False)][default: True] |
dotsize |
The size of the dots in the plot [float][default: 6] |
markerdot |
Shape of the dot marker. See more options at [string][default: "o"] |
valphabar |
Transparency of bars on plot [float (between 0 and 1)][default: 1] |
valphadot |
Transparency of dots on plot [float (between 0 and 1)][default: 1] |
figtype |
Format of figure to save. Supported format are eps, pdf, pgf, png, ps, raw, rgba, svg, svgz [string][default:'png'] |
show |
Show the figure on console instead of saving in current folder [True or False][default:False] |
axxlabel |
Label for X-axis. If you provide this option, default label will be replaced [string][default: None] |
axylabel |
Label for Y-axis. If you provide this option, default label will be replaced [string][default: None] |
axlabelfontsize |
Font size for axis labels [float][default: 9] |
axlabelfontname |
Font name for axis labels [string][default: 'Arial'] |
ylm |
Range of ticks to plot on Y-axis [float tuple (bottom, top, interval)][default: None] |
axtickfontsize |
Font size for axis ticks [float][default: 9] |
axtickfontname |
Font name for axis ticks [string][default: 'Arial'] |
yerrlw |
Error bar line width [float][default: None] |
yerrcw |
Error bar cap width [float][default: None] |
Bar-dot plot image in same directory (bardot.png)
FASTQ quality format detection
Parameters | Description |
file |
FASTQ file to detect quality format [deafult: None] |
Quality format encoding name for FASTQ file (Supports only Sanger, Illumina 1.8+ and Illumina 1.3/1.4)
Linear regression analysis
bioinfokit.visuz.stat.lin_reg(df, x, y)
Parameters | Description |
df |
Pandas dataframe object |
x |
Name of column having independent X variables [list][default:None] |
y |
Name of column having dependent Y variables [list][default:None] |
Regression analysis summary
Regression plot
bioinfokit.visuz.stat.regplot(df, x, y, yhat, dim, colordot, colorline, r, ar, dotsize, markerdot, linewidth, valphaline, valphadot, show, figtype, axxlabel, axylabel, axlabelfontsize, axlabelfontname, xlm, ylm, axtickfontsize, axtickfontname)
Parameters | Description |
df |
Pandas dataframe object |
x |
Name of column having independent X variables [string][default:None] |
y |
Name of column having dependent Y variables [string][default:None] |
yhat |
Name of column having predicted response of Y variable (y_hat) from regression [string][default:None] |
dim |
Figure size [tuple of two floats (width, height) in inches][default: (6, 4)] |
r |
Figure resolution in dpi [int][default: 300] |
ar |
Rotation of X-axis labels [float][default: 0] |
dotsize |
The size of the dots in the plot [float][default: 6] |
markerdot |
Shape of the dot marker. See more options at [string][default: "o"] |
valphaline |
Transparency of regression line on plot [float (between 0 and 1)][default: 1] |
valphadot |
Transparency of dots on plot [float (between 0 and 1)][default: 1] |
linewidth |
Width of regression line [float][default: 1] |
figtype |
Format of figure to save. Supported format are eps, pdf, pgf, png, ps, raw, rgba, svg, svgz [string][default:'png'] |
show |
Show the figure on console instead of saving in current folder [True or False][default:False] |
axxlabel |
Label for X-axis. If you provide this option, default label will be replaced [string][default: None] |
axylabel |
Label for Y-axis. If you provide this option, default label will be replaced [string][default: None] |
axlabelfontsize |
Font size for axis labels [float][default: 9] |
axlabelfontname |
Font name for axis labels [string][default: 'Arial'] |
xlm |
Range of ticks to plot on X-axis [float tuple (bottom, top, interval)][default: None] |
ylm |
Range of ticks to plot on Y-axis [float tuple (bottom, top, interval)][default: None] |
axtickfontsize |
Font size for axis ticks [float][default: 9] |
axtickfontname |
Font name for axis ticks [string][default: 'Arial'] |
colordot |
Color of dots on plot [string ][default:"#4a4e4d"] |
Regression plot image in same directory (reg_plot.png)
GFF3 to GTF file format conversion
Parameters | Description |
file |
GFF3 genome annotation file |
GTF format genome annotation file (file.gtf will be saved in same directory)
Scree plot
bioinfokit.visuz.cluster.screeplot(obj, axlabelfontsize, axlabelfontname, axxlabel, axylabel, figtype, r, show)
Parameters | Description |
obj |
list of component name and component variance |
axlabelfontsize |
Font size for axis labels [float][default: 9] |
axlabelfontname |
Font name for axis labels [string][default: 'Arial'] |
axxlabel |
Label for X-axis. If you provide this option, default label will be replaced [string][default: None] |
axylabel |
Label for Y-axis. If you provide this option, default label will be replaced [string][default: None] |
figtype |
Format of figure to save. Supported format are eps, pdf, pgf, png, ps, raw, rgba, svg, svgz [string][default:'png'] |
r |
Figure resolution in dpi [int][default: 300] |
show |
Show the figure on console instead of saving in current folder [True or False][default:False] |
Scree plot image (screeplot.png will be saved in same directory)
Principal component analysis (PCA) loadings plots
bioinfokit.visuz.cluster.pcaplot(x, y, z, labels, var1, var2, var3, axlabelfontsize, axlabelfontname, figtype, r, show)
Parameters | Description |
x |
loadings (correlation coefficient) for principal component 1 (PC1) |
y |
loadings (correlation coefficient) for principal component 2 (PC2) |
z |
loadings (correlation coefficient) for principal component 3 (PC2) |
labels |
original variables labels from dataframe used for PCA |
var1 |
Proportion of PC1 variance [float (0 to 1)] |
var2 |
Proportion of PC2 variance [float (0 to 1)] |
var3 |
Proportion of PC3 variance [float (0 to 1)] |
axlabelfontsize |
Font size for axis labels [float][default: 9] |
axlabelfontname |
Font name for axis labels [string][default: 'Arial'] |
figtype |
Format of figure to save. Supported format are eps, pdf, pgf, png, ps, raw, rgba, svg, svgz [string][default:'png'] |
r |
Figure resolution in dpi [int][default: 300] |
show |
Show the figure on console instead of saving in current folder [True or False][default:False] |
plotlabels |
Plot labels as defined by labels parameter [True or False][default:True] |
PCA loadings plot 2D and 3D image (pcaplot_2d.png and pcaplot_3d.png will be saved in same directory)
Principal component analysis (PCA) biplots
latest update v0.8.4
bioinfokit.visuz.cluster.biplot(cscore, loadings, labels, var1, var2, var3, axlabelfontsize, axlabelfontname, figtype, r, show, markerdot, dotsize, valphadot, colordot, arrowcolor, valphaarrow, arrowlinestyle, arrowlinewidth, centerlines, datapoints, legendpos, colorlist)
Parameters | Description |
cscore |
principal component scores (obtained from PCA().fit_transfrom() function in sklearn.decomposition) |
loadings |
loadings (correlation coefficient) for principal components |
labels |
original variables labels from dataframe used for PCA |
var1 |
Proportion of PC1 variance [float (0 to 1)] |
var2 |
Proportion of PC2 variance [float (0 to 1)] |
var3 |
Proportion of PC3 variance [float (0 to 1)] |
axlabelfontsize |
Font size for axis labels [float][default: 9] |
axlabelfontname |
Font name for axis labels [string][default: 'Arial'] |
figtype |
Format of figure to save. Supported format are eps, pdf, pgf, png, ps, raw, rgba, svg, svgz [string][default:'png'] |
r |
Figure resolution in dpi [int][default: 300] |
show |
Show the figure on console instead of saving in current folder [True or False][default:False] |
markerdot |
Shape of the dot on plot. See more options at [string][default: "o"] |
dotsize |
The size of the dots in the plot [float][default: 6] |
valphadot |
Transparency of dots on plot [float (between 0 and 1)][default: 1] |
colordot |
Color of dots on plot [string or list ][default:"#4a4e4d"] |
arrowcolor |
Color of the arrow [string ][default:"#fe8a71"] |
valphaarrow |
Transparency of the arrow [float (between 0 and 1)][default: 1] |
arrowlinestyle |
line style of the arrow. check more styles at [string][default: '-'] |
arrowlinewidth |
line width of the arrow [float][default: 1.0] |
centerlines |
draw center lines at x=0 and y=0 for 2D plot [bool (True or False)][default: True] |
datapoints |
plot data points on graph [bool (True or False)][default: True] |
legendpos |
position of the legend on plot. For more options see loc parameter at [string ][default:"best"] |
colorlist |
list of the categories to assign the color [list][default:None] |
PCA biplot 2D and 3D image (biplot_2d.png and biplot_3d.png will be saved in same directory)
- Travis E. Oliphant. A guide to NumPy, USA: Trelgol Publishing, (2006).
- John D. Hunter. Matplotlib: A 2D Graphics Environment, Computing in Science & Engineering, 9, 90-95 (2007), DOI:10.1109/MCSE.2007.55 (publisher link)
- Fernando Pérez and Brian E. Granger. IPython: A System for Interactive Scientific Computing, Computing in Science & Engineering, 9, 21-29 (2007), DOI:10.1109/MCSE.2007.53 (publisher link)
- Michael Waskom, Olga Botvinnik, Joel Ostblom, Saulius Lukauskas, Paul Hobson, MaozGelbart, … Constantine Evans. (2020, January 24). mwaskom/seaborn: v0.10.0 (January 2020) (Version v0.10.0). Zenodo.
- Fabian Pedregosa, Gaël Varoquaux, Alexandre Gramfort, Vincent Michel, Bertrand Thirion, Olivier Grisel, Mathieu Blondel, Peter Prettenhofer, Ron Weiss, Vincent Dubourg, Jake Vanderplas, Alexandre Passos, David Cournapeau, Matthieu Brucher, Matthieu Perrot, Édouard Duchesnay. Scikit-learn: Machine Learning in Python, Journal of Machine Learning Research, 12, 2825-2830 (2011)
- Wes McKinney. Data Structures for Statistical Computing in Python, Proceedings of the 9th Python in Science Conference, 51-56 (2010)
bioinfokit cited by:
- Jennifer Gribble, Andrea J. Pruijssers, Maria L. Agostini, Jordan Anderson-Daniels, James D. Chappell, Xiaotao Lu, Laura J. Stevens, Andrew L. Routh, Mark R. Denison bioRxiv 2020.04.23.057786; doi:
- Greaney AM, Adams TS, Raredon MS, Gubbins E, Schupp JC, Engler AJ, Ghaedi M, Yuan Y, Kaminski N, Niklason LE. Platform Effects on Regeneration by Pulmonary Basal Cells as Evaluated by Single-Cell RNA Sequencing. Cell Reports. 2020 Mar 24;30(12):4250-65.