Behat extension for executing shell commands within features. The shell commands can be run on remote servers using ssh or locally without network. Additionally, local files can be deployed to directories on remote servers.
Using composer:
composer require postcon/behat-shell-extension dev-master
# run.feature
Feature: Running commands
In order to run useful integration tests
As a tester
I want to execute shell commands and check their output
Scenario: Run command on the default shell/server and define expected output
When I run "pwd"
Then It should pass
And I see
Scenario: Run command on the default shell/server and define expected output in inline-style
When I run "pwd"
Then It should pass
And I see "/tmp"
Scenario: Run command on the shell/server "app"
When I run "app/console --env=prod do:mi:mi" on "app"
Then It should pass
# copy.feature
Feature: Copy file
In order to prepare integration tests
As a tester
I want to copy files to directories (on remote servers)
Scenario: Copy a file to /tmp directory on default server (or at the local filesystem)
Given I copy file "test.txt" to "/tmp"
And I run "cat /tmp/test.txt"
Then it should pass
And I see
content of test.txt
Scenario: Copy a file to /tmp directory on "app" server
Given I copy file "test.txt" to "/tmp" on "app"
And I run "cat /tmp/test.txt" on "app"
Then it should pass
And I see
content of test.txt
To use the BehatShellExtension, it needs to be configured in the behat.yml
(or behat.yml.dist
Each server or shell, you want invoke commands on, must be specified.
Following example shows the minimal configuration for a local shell.
# behat.yml
type: local
It is possible, to give two additional configuration parameters: the command executionbase_dir
and the
(in seconds; if the commands does not terminate within this timeout, it gets stopped and the behat feature
# behat.yml
type: local
base_dir: /tmp
timeout: 10
For accessing a remote server via ssh, a minimal configuration is like this:
# behat.yml
type: remote
ssh_hostname: [email protected]
The ssh_hostname
specifies the name of the ssh server and the username.
Using additional parameters, the ssh connection can be configured and the ssh and scp binaries can be specified:
# behat.yml
type: remote
base_dir: /tmp
ssh_hostname: [email protected]
ssh_options: -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa
ssh_command: /usr/bin/ssh
scp_command: /usr/bin/scp
timeout: 20
If we have this feature example
Given I copy file "test.txt" to "/tmp" on "app"
And I run "cat /tmp/test.txt" on "app"
then the resulting commands would be this:
/usr/bin/scp -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa 'test.txt' '[email protected]:/tmp'
/usr/bin/ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa [email protected] 'cd /tmp ; cat /tmp/test.txt'
To execute commands in a docker container, the following minimal configuration is appropriate:
# behat.yml
type: docker
docker_containername: app
Here, we assume to have a docker container like this:
docker run --name=app -d nginx
A more extensive configuration is this:
# behat.yml
type: docker
base_dir: /tmp
docker_containername: app
docker_command: /usr/local/bin/docker
docker_options: -u user
timeout: 20
Here, the location of the docker executable is given and options, if needed.
If we have this feature example
Given I copy file "test.txt" to "/tmp" on "app"
And I run "cat /tmp/test.txt" on "app"
then the resulting commands would be this:
/usr/local/bin/docker cp 'test.txt' app:'/tmp'
/usr/local/bin/docker exec -u user app /bin/bash -c 'cd /tmp ; cat /tmp/test.txt'
By changing the parameter docker_command
, instead of a docker container, a docker-compose service can be used:
# behat.yml
type: docker
base_dir: /tmp
docker_containername: app
docker_command: /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
docker-options: -T
timeout: 20
It is important to specify docker-options: -T
to »Disable pseudo-tty allocation«.
Here, we assume to have a docker-compose configuration like this:
# docker-compose.yml
version: '2'
image: php:7.1-fpm
Right now, it is not possible to copy files into a running docker-compose service (i.e. a command
docker-compose cp
is missing).
A command string $command
is executed on a shell with type: local
gets invoked in following way:
$process = new Process($command, $serverConfig['base_dir']);
A remote executed command string $command
is executed this way:
if ($serverConfig['base_dir']) {
$command = sprintf('cd %s ; %s', $serverConfig['base_dir'], $command);
$command = sprintf(
'%s %s %s %s',
// e.g. ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa [email protected] 'cd /var/www ; app/console --env=prod do:mi:mi'
$process = new Process($command);
When using docker, a command string $command
is executed this way:
if ($serverConfig['base_dir']) {
$command = sprintf('cd %s ; %s', $serverConfig['base_dir'], $command);
$command = sprintf(
'%s exec %s /bin/bash -c %s',
// e.g. docker exec container /bin/bash -c 'cd /var/www ; app/console --env=prod do:mi:mi'
$process = new Process($command);
All contents of this package are licensed under the MIT license.