A nonexhaustive list of my favorite papers, have fun!
SoK: All You Ever Wanted to Know About x86/x64 Binary Disassembly But Were Afraid to Ask
Detecting Code Clones in Binary Executables
A Novel Disassemble Algorithm Designed for Malicious File
Towards Optimal Use of Exception Handling Information for Function Detection
Statistical Reconstruction of Class Hierarchies in Binaries
String Analysis for x86 Binaries
Disassembly of Executable Code Revisited
Recovering C++ Objects From Binaries Using Inter-Procedural Data-Flow Analysis
Binary Recompilation via Dynamic Analysis and the Protection of Control and Data-flows therein
Alias Analysis of executable code
Generalized Vulnerability Extrapolation using Abstract Syntax Trees
When Coding Style Survives Compilation: De-anonymizing Programmers from Executable Binaries
Type Analysis of Low-level Code
TIE: Principled Reverse Engineering of Types in Binary Programs
Efficient Features for Function Matching between Binary Executables
Testing Intermediate Representations for Binary Analysis
Equational Reasoning on x86 Assembly Code
GDSL: A Generic Decoder Specification Language for Interpreting Machine Language
Dynamically Translating x86 to LLVM using QEMU
Practical Dynamic Reconstruction of Control Flow Graphs
How to write a basic control flow decompiler
Notes on Graph Algorithms Used in Optimizing Compilers
A Usability-Optimized Decompiler and Malware Analysis User Study
Sound C Code Decompilation for a subset of x86-64 Binaries
Design of an Automatically Generated Retargetable Decompiler
decompiler internals: microcode
Design of a Retargetable Decompiler for a Static Platform-Independent Malware Analysis
Breaking Down Binary Ninjas Low Level IL
fcd - An optimizing decompiler
A Tutorial on Software Obfuscation
Dynamic Binary Instrumentation Techniques to Address Native Code Obfuscation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MRku-2fW42w
On Symbolic Execution of Decompiled Programs
How to Kill Symbolic Deobfuscation for Free
PyPANDA: Taming the PANDAmonium of Whole System Dynamic Analysis
Practical Symbolic Execution and SATisfiability Module Theories (SMT) 101
(Reven:) Updated Analysis of PatchGuard on Microsoft Windows 10 RS4
Dynamic Binary Instrumentation Primer
A Survey of Symbolic Execution Techniques
Enabling Sophisticated Analyses of x86 Binaries with RevGen
Search-based Approaches for Local Blackbox Deobfuscation Understand, Improve and Mitigate
Reasoning about Software Security via Synthesized Behavioral Substitutes
MBA-Blast: Unveiling and Simplifying Mixed Boolean-Arithmetic Obfuscation
Code deobfuscation by program synthesis-aided simplification of Mixed Boolean-Arithmetic expressions
QSynth - A Program Synthesis based Approach for Binary Code Deobfuscation
Souper: A Synthesizing Superoptimizer
STOKE: stochastic superoptimization
Obfuscation with MBA Expression: Reconstruction, Analyse and Simplification
Program Synthesis in Reverse Engineering
LOKI : Hardening Code Obfuscation Against Automated Attacks
Automatic Deobfuscation and Reverse Engineering of Obfuscated Code
VMAttack: Deobfuscating Virtualization-Based Packed Binaries
Behavioral Analysis of Obfuscated Code https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aYQ4TIcGD2o
Introduction to Modern Code Virtualization by Nooby
Seeing through obfuscation: interactive detection and removal of opaque predicates
Symbolic deobfuscation: from virtualized code back to the original
VMHunt: A Verifiable Approach to Partially-Virtualized Binary Code Simplification
NISLVMP: Improved Virtual Machine-Based Software Protection
Replacement Attacks Against VM-protected Applications (process level)
Search-based Approaches for Local Blackbox Deobfuscation Understand, Improve and Mitigate
Playing with Binary Analysis - Deobfuscation of VM based software protection
Advanced Binary Deobfuscation + The Art of De-obfuscation
modern malware threat: HANDLING OBFUSCATED CODE
Sys: a Static/Symbolic Tool for Finding Good Bugs in Good (Browser) Code
Hiding in the Particles: When Return-Oriented Programming Meets Program Obfuscation
Automatic Heap Layout Manipulation for Exploitation
Detecting Kernel Memory Disclosure with x86 Emulation and Taint Tracking
Identifying and Exploiting Windows Kernel Race Conditions via Memory Access Patterns
Precise and Scalable Detection of Double-Fetch Bugs in OS Kernels
T-Fuzz: fuzzing by program transformation
Tracing Privileged Memory Accesses to Discover Software Vulnerabilities
Static detection of C++ vtable escape vulnerabilities in binary code
FIRMWIRE: Transparent Dynamic Analysis for Cellular Baseband Firmware
HYPER-CUBE : High-Dimensional Hypervisor Fuzzing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GmIlLKT_nH8
NYX : Greybox Hypervisor Fuzzing using Fast Snapshots and Affine Types
Neural Reverse Engineering of Stripped Binaries using Augmented Control Flow Graphs
Weird machines, exploitability, and provable unexploitability
Everything Old is New Again: Binary Security of WebAssembly
Reverse Engineering WebAssembly
Learning to Find Usages of Library Functions in Optimized Binaries
B2R2: Building an Efficient Front-End for Binary Analysis
An Exploratory Analysis of Microcode as a Building Block for System Defenses
Reverse code engineering of .NET applications
THE FAKE CISCO Hunting for backdoors in Counterfeit Cisco devices
Remote Exploitation of an Unaltered Passenger Vehicle
Reverse Engineering of Intel Microcode Update Structure
Americas Global Retreat and the Ensuing Strategic Vacuum
Hezbollah Finance in Lebanon: A Primary-Source Review
Festering Grievances and the Return to Arms in Southern Syria
How Global Jihad Relocalises and Where it Leads. The Case of HTS, the Former AQ Franchise in Syria
Syria at the Center of Power Competition and Counterterrorism
Nowhere to Hide The Logic of Chemical Weapons Use in Syria
Islamic State recoilless launcher systems
Lebanese Hezbollahs Experience in Syria
A TALE OF SIX TRIBES Securing the Middle Euphrates River Valley
Adaptive Flight Control With Living Neuronal Networks on Microelectrode Arrays
ILK-Stellungnahme zur Wiederaufarbeitung abgebrannter Brennelemente
Transformation von elektrischer Energie in Wasserstoff und dessen Speicherung
Leaking Information Through Cache LRU States
Factoring 2 048 RSA integers in 177 days with 13 436 qubits and a multimode memory
Pig Chimeric Model with Human Pluripotent Stem Cells
Cure53 Browser Security White Paper
In vitro neurons learn and exhibit sentience when embodied in a simulated game-world