#####Setup Zookeeper
Download the ZooKeeper 3.7.0 from here.
Unzip the file. Inside the
directory, rename the filezoo_sample.cfg
. -
file keeps configuration for ZooKeeper, i.e. on which port the ZooKeeper instance will listen, data directory, etc. -
The default listen port is 2181. You can change this port by changing
. -
The default data directory is
. Change this to../data
, as you will not want ZooKeeper's data to be deleted after some time. Create a folder with the namedata
in the ZooKeeper directory. -
Go to the
directory. -
Start ZooKeeper by executing the command
. orzkServer.sh start
(on mac os).
#####Setup Kafka Server
Download the latest stable version of Kafka from here.
Unzip this file. The Kafka instance (Broker) configurations are kept in the config directory.
Go to the
directory. Open the fileserver.properties
. -
Remove the comment from listeners property, i.e.
. The Kafka broker will listen on port 9092. -
Check the
property and change it as per your needs. The Kafka broker will connect to this ZooKeeper instance. -
Go to the Kafka home directory and execute the command
.\bin\windows\kafka-server-start.bat .\config\server.properties
(on windows) or./bin/kafka-server-start.sh config/server.properties
(on macos).
We will need to create a topic on kafka to store messages for bank transactions. Please execute the following command to create a topic named sample
./kafka-topics.bat --create --topic sample --bootstrap-server localhost:9092
You can monitor the Kafka server to see if there is any incoming messages under this topic using the following command.
./kafka-console-consumer.bat --topic sample --from-beginning --bootstrap-server localhost:9092
Goto: http://localhost:8100/message/[some message] and try to send some message. After that, monitor if the consumer can receive the message.