- 🔭 I’m currently working on Machine Learning and Web Development projects.
- 🌱 I’m currently learning Javascript and also exploring Data Science as well as Deep Learning.
- 👯 I’m looking to collaborate on Open source projects on my field of interest.
- 🤔 I’m looking for help with Data Structures and Web development concepts specifically backend.
- 💬 Ask me about Machine Learning, Frontend Web development and for any other help and I'll try my level best.
- 📫 Reach out to me on
- ⚡ Fun fact: I love painting and anyone wanting to discuss Art can feel free to do so!
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Neural-Style-Transfer-Coursera-project PublicThe objective of this project is to apply a style image's stylistic features to a content image while retaining the overall structure of the content image, with the help of a neural network. Neural…
Jupyter Notebook 2
Facial-Expression-Recognition-Project-with-Keras PublicThe objective of this project is to build and train a convolutional neural network (CNN) in Keras from scratch to recognize facial expressions. The data consists of 48x48 pixel grayscale images of …
Face-Recognition-Model PublicThe objective of this project is to build and train a model to recognize the number of faces in the image and also distinguish the known faces with unknown ones. It is build using OpenCV and other …
Jupyter Notebook 2
Meme-Generator PublicA simple and attractive meme generator for creating innovative memes. The memes can be easily edited, shared on social media platforms directly and can be easily downloaded.
Plagiarism-Detection-Model PublicBuilt a plagiarism detector that examines a text file and performs binary classification; labeling that file as either plagiarized or not, depending on how similar the text file is to a provided so…
Jupyter Notebook 2
Credit-Card-Default PublicThe model accepts demographics and historical data as input and predict whether an account will default next month.
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