Welcome to the PowerOffice Go API.
Find our API v2 at developer.poweroffice.et
Please navigate to api.poweroffice.net/Web/docs/index.html for C# and REST documentation.
A Postman collection is available here.
In the Examples folder you find C# examples demonstrating common tasks.
Currently we provide the following examples:
Example | Task |
AuthorizationDemo | Connect to the authorization server, and retreive authorization. |
CustomerDemo | Find a customer by Vat number, update customer and get list of customers. |
GeneralLedgerAccounts | Create and query general ledger accounts on the client. |
ImportDemo | Upload and post a Payroll Journal, Sales Order Import and CustomerInvoicesImport. |
JournalEntryDemo | Create vouchers that will appear in Journal Entry on PowerOffice Go. |
OutgoingInvoice | Creating, editing and querying outgoing invoices. Creating invoices here will make the invoice appear under drafts and users in PowerOffice Go can send it to the Customer(s). |
Payroll | Querying pay items and uploading salary lines that will be added to the next payroll. |
ProjectDemo | Creating, Editing, Deleting and Querying Projects. |
ProductDemo | Creating, Editing, Deleting and Querying Products and ProductGroups. |
RecurringInvoice | Create recurring (repeated) invoices that will be sent automatically from PowerOffice Go. |
Reporting | Listing TrialBalance at a given date, listing all transactions on a given account between two dates and printing out Customer and Supplier Ledger reports. |
TimeTracking | Query Activities, Hour types and Time tracking Entries. Creating TimeTrackingEntries. |
VoucherDemo | Creating and posting Vouchers directly into PowerOffice Go without going through the Import Service (prefered solution for voucher import). |
Developer support is provided via e-mail: [email protected]
Bugs and issues can be reported using the github issue tracker