A curated list of Android Complete References at one place. A complete reference for android developers. Here you can find references about everything you use while Android Development.
- Android Arsenal - Largest Reference for 3rd party libraries.
- Snowdream Android Awesome - The reference for 3rd party libraries.
- JStumpp Android Awesome - The reference for 3rd party libraries.
- Android Networking - Android Networking is a powerful library for doing any type of networking in Android applications.
- Android Awesome UI - The reference for Android 3rd party UI libraries.
- Square Libraries - Android Libraries by Square.
- Android Libraries By Facebook - Android 3rd Party Libraries By Facebook.
- Android Libs - Another reference for 3rd party libraries.
- Android Libraries - Another reference for 3rd party libraries.
- Android Libraries - Another reference for 3rd party libraries.
- Android Libraries - Another reference for 3rd party libraries.
- DevAppsDirect - Demo Market - App that demonstrates different libraries.
- Awesome Android @LibHunt - Your go-to Android Toolbox.
- Android Kotlin Libraries - A reference for 3rd party Kotlin libraries.
- Android UI/UX - The reference for Android Best UI/UX.
- Android Icon Generator - Generator for icons and other assets.
- Android New ConstraintLayout - Exploring the new Android ConstraintLayout.
- Awesome Andriod Performance - The reference for Andriod Performance.
- Memory Churn and Performance - Android Performance Patterns: Memory Churn and Performance.
- Performance Cost of Memory Leaks - Android Performance Patterns: Performance Cost of Memory Leaks.
- Android Performance Pattern - Android Performance Pattern from Google.
- Android Image Compression - Best Guide For Image Compression.
- FlatBuffer Vs JSON - Why consider flatBuffer over JSON.
- Android Proguard Snippets - Android Proguard Rules for Common 3rd Party Libraries.
- APK size reduction - Guide for apk size reduction.
- Android Instant Run - Instant Run: How Does it Work?.
- Method Count Library - A website to check method count of 3rd party libraries.
- Method Count APK - A website to check method count of an APK.
- Must Have Libraries - Guides for Must Have Libraries.
- Android Best Practices - Android Best Practices.
- Developing Android - A series of articles from Googler Chet Hasae and others, answering most commonly asked question: "What are some of the important rules to keep in mind when developing Android applications?".
- Google I/O Android App - Google I/O Sources Code ,Best Coding Guidelines for Android Developers
- Android GitIgnore - Android GitIgnore.
- Android Architecture - Android Architecture Blueprints.
- Android Open Project - Android Open Source Project subtotals.
- Open Source Android App Codes - List of Android Application which have open source code.
- Git Tips - Useful git tips required while development.
- API Demo - Api demo.
- Another API Demo - Another Api demo.
- Android Weekly - Android Weekly is a free newsletter that helps you to stay cutting-edge with your Android Development.
- Android Dev Digest - A Handcrafted Weekly AndroidDev Newsletter.
- CodePath Android - The Complete tutorial for Android Developement with examples.
- Android Examples Codes - The reference for Android Examples Codes.
- Android Tutorial Guide - The Busy Coder's Guide to Android Development.
- Android Sample Codes - Sample Codes From Google.
- Android Development - Android Development complete guide from Google.
- Android Guides - Extensive Open-Source Guides for Android Developers.
- Android Blogs - List with blogs about Android.
- Vogella Tutorials - Very good tutorials by Lars Vogel.
- RxJava-Android-Samples - Learning RxJava for Android by example.
- Updating it on daily basis as much as possible so that we will be always updated.
To the extent possible under law, Amit Shekhar has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.
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