balooctl disable && balooctl purge
Other services to turn off:
- Autostart background services -> turn off: Night color location, Kscreen, Search folder updater, bluetooth.
Installing necessary flatpak apps
flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists flathub
flatpak install flathub com.brave.Browser com.discordapp.Discord \ com.spotify.Client \
org.mozilla.firefox org.qbittorrent.qBittorrent \
org.telegram.desktop io.mpv.Mpv com.github.iwalton3.jellyfin-media-player \
com.valvesoftware.Steam com.heroicgameslauncher.hgl io.github.seadve.Kooha \
Setting up Docker
Install docker from YAST
Setting up Distrobox
curl -s | sh -s -- --prefix ~/.local
distrobox-create -i -n ubuntu
distrobox-create -i -n arch
Install necessary packages in arch distrobox
distrobox enter arch
Install yay-bin
sudo pacman -S --needed git base-devel
git clone
makepkg -si
yay -S neofetch neovim imagemagick jdk11-openjdk
yay vscodium-bin ranger kitty python-pip starship
pip install pillow
Exporting arch packages to host machine
distrobox-export --app vscodium &&
distrobox-export --app ranger &&
distrobox-export --app kitty &&
distrobox-export --bin /usr/sbin/ranger --export-path ~/.local/bin/ &&
distrobox-export --bin /usr/sbin/starship --export-path ~/.local/bin/ &&
distrobox-export --bin /usr/sbin/convert --export-path ~/.local/bin/ &&
distrobox-export --bin /usr/sbin/mogrify --export-path ~/.local/bin/ &&
distrobox-export --bin /usr/sbin/nvim --export-path ~/.local/bin/ &&
distrobox-export --bin /usr/sbin/vscodium --export-path ~/.local/bin/
From inside distrobox Use docker from within distrobox
sudo ln -s /usr/bin/distrobox-host-exec /usr/local/bin/docker
yay -Syu : updates entire system and AUR packages
yay <package_name> : Searches package in pacman repos and AUR repos
yay -S <package_name> : Installs a package
yay -Rns <package_name> : Deletes package completely
yay -c : Removes unused dependencies
yay -Sc : Removes pacman and AUR cache
Useful guides
- YAST -> Install hypervisor tools.
sudo systemctl start libvirtd
sudo systemctl enable libvirtd
sudo usermod -a -G libvirt $(whoami)
sudo virsh net-start default
- Install vim-plug for neovim in arch distrobox
sh -c 'curl -fLo "${XDG_DATA_HOME:-$HOME/.local/share}"/nvim/site/autoload/plug.vim --create-dirs \'
rm -rf ~/.bashrc &&
ln -s ~/dotfiles/.bashrc ~/ &&
ln -s ~/dotfiles/config/ranger/ ~/.config/ &&
ln -s ~/dotfiles/config/kitty/ ~/.config/ &&
ln -s ~/dotfiles/config/nvim/ ~/.config/ &&
ln -s ~/dotfiles/config/starship.toml ~/.config/ &&
ln -s ~/dotfiles/config/vscode/keybindings.json ~/.config/VSCodium/User/ &&
ln -s ~/dotfiles/config/vscode/settings.json ~/.config/VSCodium/User/