This project is a collection of MNIST classification.
More examples of variety frameworks and classification methods, rather than higher performance (accuracy).
stands for "semi-supervised learning."
- tensorflow/
- linear
- Acc 91%
- conv
- Acc 95%
- linear
- chainer/
- linear
- Acc 90.48% / 10 epoch
- conv
- Acc 97.78% / 10 epoch
- vat
- Acc 93.3% / 10 epoch, 500 labels
- linear
- keras/
- linear
- Acc 91.66% / 10 epoch
- conv
- Acc 97.42% / 10 epoch
- rnn
- Acc 96.68% / 10 epoch
- Learning by Association
- Acc 96.00% / 100 labels
- Acc 90.30% / 10 labels
- see cympfh/learning-by-association-MNIST
- linear
- pytorch/
- linear
- Acc 91.65% / 10 epoch
- conv
- Acc 97.74% / 10 epoch
- rnn
- Acc 95.18% / 10 epoch
- linear
- Optimizers:
- Dataset:
- 60k items for training
- 10k items for testing
Very simple architectures are adopted.
28x28 (raw Image)
== 784 (Flatten)
-> 10 (Linear)
-> 10 (Softmax)
== 1x28x28 (Resize)
-> 8x12x12 (Convolution(kernel=5, stride=2))
-> _ (elu)
-> 16x4x4 (Convolution(kernel=5, stride=2))
-> _ (elu)
== 256 (Flatten)
-> 10 (Linear)
-> 10 (Softmax)
28x28 = (timestep, input)
-> 20 (LSTM(hidden_dim=128))
-> 10 (Linear)
-> 10 (Softmax)
Semi-supervised. The labeled items are learned with the simple CNN (previous). The all (labeled and unlabeld) are used in VAT.