We use Python3.6+tensorflow1.12.0 to coding the bi-LSTM+CRF network structure and realizing the sequence tagging for chinese characters.
(1)Raw data preprocessing. Calling
function to convert the data of .txt format to .pkl format. And initilazing the word vectors.(We set the dimension of vectors is 300)
(2)Designing the network structure and hyper-parameters, calling
train and test model.
- batch_size=64;
- epoch=25;
- learning_rate=0.001;
- dropout=0.5;
- gradient_clipping=5.0;
- LSTM_num(forward)=300;
- LSTM_num(backward)=300;
- optimizer=Adam;
- ...
After 25 epochs, the precision, recall, F1 values of test set as shoun below.
Fig. precision, recall, F1 values
- precision=0.951266;
- recall=0.908613;
- f1=0.929270. (After 25 iterations)
If you want to know more about the LSTM+CRF model, please to read sequence labelling.md or click here.