Releases: ProcessMaker/processmaker
Releases · ProcessMaker/processmaker
ProcessMaker Platform Winter 2025 (4.12.0)
What's Changed
- FOUR-18184:Add the component auto save instead the notification in Web by @fagubla in #7298
- feature/FOUR-18222 by @luNunezProcessmaker in #7303
- feature/FOUR-18221: Update the component using the new colors and Ui updates by @luNunezProcessmaker in #7293
- FOUR-18617: The Header of the columns will change 'Capitalized Case' by @fagubla in #7302
- FOUR-18762: Added PI Process Import to New Process modal by @TinCodes in #7319
- feature/FOUR-18227 by @luNunezProcessmaker in #7322
- Add 'Templates' Button to Screen Builder Navigation Menu by @sanjacornelius in #7329
- Add Screen Templates Section in Screen Builder by @sanjacornelius in #7330
- feature/FOUR-18240 by @luNunezProcessmaker in #7331
- FOUR-18763: Implemented BE for PI Process import by @TinCodes in #7337
- feature/FOUR-19036 by @luNunezProcessmaker in #7340
- feature/FOUR-18977: Create a new Permission “View All Cases”, this should be disable as default by @luNunezProcessmaker in #7343
- FOUR-18903: The Auto save date is updated without making any changes by @fagubla in #7342
- feature/FOUR-18241: Change permissions of ellipsis documentation option by @luNunezProcessmaker in #7341
- Feature/FOUR-18623 by @luNunezProcessmaker in #7346
- FOUR-19004: Create a NEW VIEW for cases Part Counters by @henryjonathanquispe in #7353
- feature/FOUR-18537 by @luNunezProcessmaker in #7352
- FOUR-18603 cases started table and view the list of all cases in the system ep by @devmiguelangel in #7357
- FOUR-19004: Create a NEW VIEW for cases Part Counters by @henryjonathanquispe in #7359
- FOUR-18634: New view "cases" and Implement new UI tabs by @fagubla in #7362
- FOUR-13438: STORY Copy icon now adds to clipboard by @rodriquelca in #7355
- FOUR-13439: STORY Adding multiple content to the clipboard by @rodriquelca in #7371
- FOUR-18315 | Include Tests For Accurate Filtering and Display of Templates by @mcraeteisha in #7369
- FOUR-18637:implement content "Tasks" tab by @fagubla in #7373
- FOUR-18604 cases participated table and view the list of cases the user is involved in ep by @devmiguelangel in #7372
- FOUR-18766: PI Process creation and redirect to modeler by @TinCodes in #7351
- feature/FOUR-18857: FE: Implement the new collapse like Launchpad by @luNunezProcessmaker in #7370
- FOUR-19000: Create a NEW VIEW for cases Part List by @henryjonathanquispe in #7374
- FOUR-19136 | CSS Updates for Screen Templates Panel by @mcraeteisha in #7380
- feature/FOUR-18135: Story 5 by @fagubla in #7377
- feature/FOUR-18976 by @luNunezProcessmaker in #7389
- FOUR-18326 | Implement Layout Application Logic by @mcraeteisha in #7391
- FOUR-18323 | Implement CSS Application Logic by @mcraeteisha in #7383
- FOUR-18970: Create the view for show the summary related to the case - History Tab by @fagubla in #7395
- FOU-19003 : Create a NEW VIEW for cases Part Filters by @henryjonathanquispe in #7392
- FOUR-19226: Rename Cases to Request by @pmPaulis in #7385
- FOUR-18636 by @pmPaulis in #7399
- FOUR-18599 populate cases_started, cases_participated tables (main flow) by @devmiguelangel in #7400
- FOUR-19273: Create a new Permission “View My Request”, this should be enable per default. by @pmPaulis in #7393
- Initial DevLink implementation by @nolanpro in #7401
- Feature/FOUR-18105: STORY Add Collections in Designer Page Assets View by @CarliPinell in #7275
- Feature/FOUR-18104: STORY Add Collections in Designer Page Assets View by @CarliPinell in #7276
- FOUR-18107 - Feature/FOUR-18319: Save data to collection (backend) if enabled - create/update by @CarliPinell in #7325
- FOUR-18107 - feature/FOUR-18103: Support for drafts (hidden variable in screen data) by @CarliPinell in #7336
- feature/FOUR-19347 by @luNunezProcessmaker in #7405
- FOUR-19237: Cases list "Pagination" by @henryjonathanquispe in #7403
- FOUR-18545: Use the current counter My Request (current API) by @henryjonathanquispe in #7409
- feature/FOUR-19091 by @luNunezProcessmaker in #7410
- FOUR-19349: Unit test failed by @pmPaulis in #7411
- FOUR-19319: Add links in the columns in "Tasks" tab by @henryjonathanquispe in #7414
- FOUR-18600 populate cases_started, cases_participated tables automated tasks by @devmiguelangel in #7412
- feature/FOUR-19316: The permission “View My Request” needs to enable per default when a user was create by @luNunezProcessmaker in #7407
- feature/FOUR-19007: Show the column "Request ID" for all the list REQUESTS by @luNunezProcessmaker in #7415
- FOUR-19377 by @pmPaulis in #7418
- FOUR-19328: Enable the order desc/asc "Tasks" tab by @henryjonathanquispe in #7416
- FOUR-18135 by @pmPaulis in #7420
- Feature/four 19267 by @luNunezProcessmaker in #7424
- FOUR-13443 Implement Clipboard usage between pages or separate screens by @caleeli in #7423
- feature/FOUR-18629: BE: The API needs to consider save the collapse pero user and feature by @luNunezProcessmaker in #7433
- FOUR-18601 populate cases_started table - sub processes by @devmiguelangel in #7421
- feature/FOUR-18099 STORY Tasks from Processes I manage section by @gproly in #7435
- FOUR-18631: Review the comments Component by @henryjonathanquispe in #7431
- feature/FOUR-18630 by @luNunezProcessmaker in #7438
- FOUR-16704: Session Token Not Invalidated on Logout by @danloa in #7396
- FOUR-17365 39399 - Fidelity Bank Performance, queries constantly running by @gproly in #7327
- observation/FOUR-16703 Insecure email change mechanism by @gustavobascope in #7368
- FOUR-18058 Update Element destination labels by @caleeli in #7350
- FOUR-18638:Create a component with collpase the row and show some content by @fagubla in #7446
- feature/FOUR-19353 by @luNunezProcessmaker in #7448
- FOUR-18602 populate cases_started table DB Exception when populating the cases_started table by @devmiguelangel in #7445
- FOUR-18605 Count the cases and requests by user and status (EP) by @julceslauhub in #7449
- feature/FOUR-19330 by @luNunezProcessmaker in #7447
- FOUR-18078 by @caleeli in #7363
- FOUR-18130: UX case detail by @pmPaulis in #7454
- Revert "observation/FOUR-16703 Insecure email change mechanism" by @ryancooley in #7456
- task/FOUR-18749: Added print-pdf Blade layout by @TinCodes in #7451
- FOUR-18606: ...
ProcessMaker Platform Summer 2024 (4.11.0)
What's Changed
- Task/FOUR-16005: FOUR-15549: Add new FlowGenie to designer section (FE) by @agustinbusso in #6865
- feature/FOUR15685: Replace the Request for Cases by @pmPaulis in #6874
- feature/FOUR-15751: Update the Process Information by @luNunezProcessmaker in #6873
- FOUR-15854 on task completed - override behavior by @devmiguelangel in #6875
- FOUR-15764: My Cases - Implement the scroll in this section by @fagubla in #6882
- FOUR-16252: FOUR-15539: Update Label Request in 3 places added in Change control by @pmPaulis in #6880
- FOUR-15858 On Process End - Override Behavior by @devmiguelangel in #6888
- Implement Package Detection for Accessibility Integration with Userway by @sanjacornelius in #6866
- FOUR-13564: POC for Notification Integration by @estebangallego in #6864
- FOUR-15867 Refactor API Route Definitions for Version 1.1 by @caleeli in #6890
- FOUR-15868 Optimize Task Endpoint for Speed and Efficiency by @caleeli in #6897
- feature/FOUR-16299 - New UI: Cases vs Requests when is loading the start events by @luNunezProcessmaker in #6900
- Feature/FOUR-16111: Update Carousel Behavior (UI Updates) by @CarliPinell in #6899
- FOUR-16140: Start on Mobile Process Browser option by @nolanpro in #6898
- FOUR-16139: Format the launchpad process list for mobile by @nolanpro in #6896
- feature/FOUR-16311 by @luNunezProcessmaker in #6904
- FOUR-16305: Create a redirect to cases when the user use requests by @pmPaulis in #6895
- FOUR-15779: Review the Hover action preview button Tasks by @fagubla in #6907
- FOUR-15921: update file for using composition API in packages by @henryjonathanquispe in #6902
- FOUR-15872 Implement task screen endpoint by @caleeli in #6913
- FOUR-15871 Optimize Interstitial to Reduce Redundant Task Calls by @julceslauhub in #6914
- [SUMMER] feature/FOUR-15725 Improve Tables View for tasks and cases by @gustavobascope in #6879
- Feature/FOUR-15738: Quick Fill Information Merge by @CarliPinell in #6869
- [WIP] Launchpad updates by @nolanpro in #6903
- [SUMMER] feature/FOUR-15727 Options Ellipsis on tasks page and Launchpad by @gustavobascope in #6912
- [SUMMER] feature/FOUR-15726 Visual components by @gustavobascope in #6894
- [SUMMER] observation/FOUR-16542 Changed the pagination component for scripts list by @gustavobascope in #6924
- [SUMMER] observation/FOUR-16543 Changed the pagination component in the Data Sources list by @gustavobascope in #6926
- FOUR-15153 Updated deps and ran prod script by @josechirivella in #6910
- FOUR-15681:Make UI changes to enable the mustache variable and save by @fagubla in #6919
- FOUR-16367: Add in the composer.json the specific branch to use the package-slideshow by @pmPaulis in #6908
- FOUR-15859: On Process End - Start a request for another selected process by @rodriquelca in #6918
- Reformat process info for mobile by @nolanpro in #6932
- FOUR-14053 All Templates section (UI change) by @gproly in #6920
- Epic/FOUR-15548: FlowGenie V2 by @agustinbusso in #6871
- FOUR-15529: [Summer24] Participant (Home) Welcome Screens V2 by @pmPaulis in #6891
- EPIC FOUR-15582: Accessibility Package Integration by @sanjacornelius in #6892
- EPIC FOUR-15584: Closer IDP Integration by @estebangallego in #6893
- task/FOUR-16052: Added quick create for flowgenies in inspector by @agustinbusso in #6922
- Bugfix/FOUR-16559: When I Quick-Fill a task, the signature is also filled and it is observed by the audit. by @CarliPinell in #6925
- FOUR-16131 Implement Automated API Testing for Task Endpoint - Monitoring by @caleeli in #6923
- FOUR-15820: Create a new control link by @fagubla in #6940
- FOUR-15875 Optimize Script Tasks Execution with Nayra Engine by @caleeli in #6942
- feature/FOUR-15730 Pagination by @gustavobascope in #6941
- feature/FOUR-15682: Set up the DueDate in run request according the configuration in the task. by @luNunezProcessmaker in #6944
- FOUR-15870 Implement Automated API Testing for Task Endpoint by @julceslauhub in #6884
- FOUR-15873 Enhance Script Watcher Endpoint Performance by @julceslauhub in #6947
- FOUR-15798: Create an API to save and update the image by @pmPaulis in #6935
- FOUR-16001 Implement resources and apiClient to use v1.1 in charts by @caleeli in #6959
- Launchpad mobile bookmarks by @nolanpro in #6956
- task/FOUR-16070: Added PackageAI to PackageHelper by @TinCodes in #6960
- FOUR-15821: Create a new configuration by @fagubla in #6961
- observation/FOUR-16529 Duplicate sorting icon in the Requests page by @gustavobascope in #6962
- FOUR-16161: Add support for raw query conditions to advanced filters by @runyan-co in #6876
- observation/FOUR-16528 Sorting icon is not displayed in the Process column by @gustavobascope in #6963
- Feature/four 14245 by @gproly in #6957
- FOUR-15538: [Summer24] Cases vs Requests in the UI by @pmPaulis in #6878
- Summer Improvements by @nolanpro in #6916
- FOUR-15508: [Summer24] Variable Task Due Date by @pmPaulis in #6930
- Add query-based pagination to tasks controller [next] by @nolanpro in #6949
- observation/FOUR-16525 Alternative column does not have the new UI in Requests page by @gustavobascope in #6954
- observation/FOUR-16526 overdue tag is not displayed in tasks page by @gustavobascope in #6953
- feature/FOUR-15731 Task Panel: Process Name - Launchpad access by @gustavobascope in #6966
- FOUR-15804:Process Map - Behavior when the task has Screen, Image or … by @henryjonathanquispe in #6981
- FOUR-16281: Create a case and review the message in the loading list by @pmPaulis in #6911
- FOUR-16539: The title of header remains with My Requests in Cases redirection by @pmPaulis in #6951
- FOUR-16354: FOUR-15508: Test the Variable Due In by @pmPaulis in #6958
- Feature/four 16107 by @gproly in #6972
- Feature/FOUR-14386: Update Cards (UI updated). by @CarliPinell in #6973
- Additional changes for next - improvements team by @nolanpro in #6974
- feature/FOUR-16724: All the configurations related to the ABE needs to save and create a method to get this information by @luNunezProcessmaker in #6984
- Change Flow Genie Icon. Do not show error 422 for FlowGenie Create by @agustinbusso in #6993
- FOUR-16549: Adding a new table process_slideshow by @pmPaulis in #6969
- FOUR-16132 Add Nayra excutor to executors list by @caleeli in #6983
- FOUR-15985: API related ...
ProcessMaker Platform Spring 2024 (4.10.0)
ProcessMaker Spring 2024 4.10.0 General Availability
What's New
What's Improved
Full Changelog: v4.9.3...v4.10.0
ProcessMaker Platform Winter 2024 (4.9.3)
What's Changed
- Exclude Existing Process Categories from Process Template Export Manifest by @sanjacornelius in #6293
- Interstitials not redirecting to next screen on mobile by @marcoAntonioNina in #6292
- FOUR-14234: Fix permissions issue preventing user from seeing "Start Timer Event" menu item by @runyan-co in #6291
- Resolve 500 Error During Guided Template Execution by @sanjacornelius in #6301
- [34697] Ellucian - _user magic variable generates for Self Service Tasks by @marcoAntonioNina in #6296
- Fix Guided Template Helper Process Reinitialization Issue by @sanjacornelius in #6330
- Fix FOUR-13939 by @mavalosn in #6340
- FOUR-14286: Add a variable to hide AI for Fall and Winter by @agustinbusso in #6316
- Fix UUID Generation Error for Collection Records by @sanjacornelius in #6351
- FOUR-14342 Update process quietly in WebEntryUrlFixer upgrade by @caleeli in #6350
- FOUR-14137 - Enable External Integration with BambooHR (develop) by @eiresendez in #6348
- Fix PHP Syntax Error in Instance Upgrade Process by @sanjacornelius in #6378
- FOUR-14395: Database Error: Table not found: 'project_assets' doesn't exist by @eiresendez in #6382
- [35775] SMTP configuration without TLS and authentication showing the error: Unable to connect with STARTTLS by @marcoAntonioNina in #6391
- FOUR-14497: BambooHR Driver Authorization Error by @eiresendez in #6417
- FOUR-14478: Option to render the Launchpad images of carousel in Launchap by @pmPaulis in #6431
- [35205] Permissions not applying to groups assigned to group by @marcoAntonioNina in #6440
- [FOUR-14535] Add support for previewing HEIF/HEIC images by @ryancooley in #6457
- Increase the timeout when creating and updating instances by @mavalosn in #6487
- Fix SCO-22193 in CICD by @mavalosn in #6509
- [36258 ]Interstitial pages load twice by @marcoAntonioNina in #6469
- FOUR-14639: Create a seeder for Ethos PM Block by @eiresendez in #6494
Full Changelog: v4.9.2...v4.9.3
ProcessMaker Platform Winter 2024 (4.9.2)
What's Changed
- FOUR-12410 Use K8S CICD Pipeline - develop branch by @mavalosn in #5889
- Enable phpunit by @nolanpro in #5988
- Four 13153 FIX CICD by @mavalosn in #6043
- FIX delete instance by @mavalosn in #6056
- Add process_launchpad_id Property to Helper Process Request Data by @sanjacornelius in #6178
- FOUR-13251 The selection list for participants is replaced by a text … by @gproly in #6177
- Observation/FOUR-11513: Error integrating sdk-java by @agustinbusso in #6175
- FOUR-14056: When launching a process from LaunchPad the insterstitials are not taking the user to the initial screen by @pmPaulis in #6174
- Add helperProcessRequestId Attribute to Processes Properties by @sanjacornelius in #6170
- QA Observation Bugfix/FOUR-13996: It is not possible to filter requests from the Started or Completed column. by @CarliPinell in #6160
- FOUR-13922 Configure Request List tables by @caleeli in #6169
- observation/FOUR-14066 Request/task tables, the name view in case title is not displayed correctly. by @gustavobascope in #6179
- FOUR-14043:My Project: the column Modified increase the width by @fagubla in #6180
- FOUR-14069: Create a script to correct the broken links related to the Web Entry by @eiresendez in #6182
- FOUR-14062 Date columns are not showing in the user's format by @gproly in #6184
- FOUR-14078: When creating scripts with AI, I find permissions issues preventing me from previewing them in the Preview Pane. by @danloa in #6189
- Observation/FOUR-14044: The Log option is showing the categories of data connectors, and the categories tab is not present in the options by @agustinbusso in #6163
- FOUR-13983: Ensure "Uncategorized" process category exists during import by @runyan-co in #6165
- Refactor some parts of the column filtering functionality by @nolanpro in #6152
- FOUR-14089: Assets view displays wrong label in the Screens button by @danloa in #6191
- QA Observation Bugfix/FOUR-14061: Saved search custom date columns showing wrong date/time by @CarliPinell in #6187
- FOUR-13922 Configurable Requests and Tasks columns by @caleeli in #6197
- FOUR-10278: Display and parse correct date/time for "Last Login" user column by @runyan-co in #6195
- feature/FOUR-13370: The Avatar is not working correctly as Participant and Designer by @luNunezProcessmaker in #6190
- FOUR-14018: Unauthorized Users Can View Screens, Data Connectors, and Decision Tables by @estebangallego in #6185
- FOUR-10478: When creating scripts with AI, I find permissions issues preventing me from previewing them in the Preview Pane. by @danloa in #6204
- Remove Deprecated Code for Reassociating Data Source Scripts by @sanjacornelius in #6209
- Set Admin User as Default run_as_user_id When Importing Scripts by @sanjacornelius in #6208
- Fix failing 'ScriptExecutorsTest' by @sanjacornelius in #6215
- observation/FOUR-14080 The column length becomes blank if the screen size is manipulated. by @gustavobascope in #6207
- Fix Incorrect Status Displayed After Completing "Re-run Wizard" Request by @sanjacornelius in #6205
- Observation/FOUR-14094: The output in decision preview and output in scripts shows a horizontal scroll by @agustinbusso in #6203
- FOUR-14096 Save advanced filters in saved searches by @nolanpro in #6200
- observation/FOUR-13816 TOOL TIP: Task column does not have filtering options by @gustavobascope in #6186
- FOUR-14077: Update the URL of Launchpad by @pmPaulis in #6181
- FOUR-13914 | The Language Selected for a User Is Not Complete by @mcraeteisha in #6201
- FOUR-14160: Remove Unnecessary File from ProcessMaker by @estebangallego in #6219
- FOUR-14039 | ’Sorry API Failed to Load’ Message in Process and Template Listings by @mcraeteisha in #6214
- FOUR-14092: Unauthorized Visibility of Sidebar Icons for Screens, Processes, etc. by @estebangallego in #6199
- feature/FOUR-14031: The message "Place your controls here" is not translated by @luNunezProcessmaker in #6193
- feature/FOUR-14083: : "No results" message does not translate to launchpad by @luNunezProcessmaker in #6194
- Update translations for changed strings by @github-actions in #6230
- observation/FOUR-14164 Update the mesagge design for empty results in Tasks tables by @gustavobascope in #6228
- FOUR-14148 | A Screen Copied from a Project Does Not Appear in the Screen Listing by @mcraeteisha in #6234
- Fix failed BuildScriptExecutor Job by @sanjacornelius in #6238
- QA Observation Bugfix/FOUR-14155: You cannot filter using "between" from the second page by @CarliPinell in #6227
- FOUR-13354: File preview in a second task, with multiple parallel, does not show the uploaded file by @danloa in #6241
- Tasks of the multiple task parallel type with self service do not reach the self service tray by @marcoAntonioNina in #6232
- Observation/FOUR-14185: Pagination does not work if we have a filter with more than one page. by @agustinbusso in #6249
- bugfix/FOUR-14181 fix case_title not showing on savedsearch by @gustavobascope in #6246
- FOUR-14195:Launchpad carosuel does not show correct the image by @fagubla in #6254
- Implement Temporary Solution for Generating Guided Template Launchpad Carousel Images by @sanjacornelius in #6250
- Use advanced filter for defaults and fix translations by @nolanpro in #6244
- Resolve BuildScriptExecutor Errors During Process Import with Multiple Custom Script Executors by @sanjacornelius in #6256
- FOUR-14195:Launchpad carosuel does not show correct the image by @fagubla in #6259
- [34945] html is being sanitized in PDF connector by @marcoAntonioNina in #6263
- FOUR-13480 | Implement Template Listing UI Under ‘My Templates’ Tab by @mcraeteisha in #6231
- FOUR-13478 | Add a New Tab Labeled “My Templates” in the Screen Section by @mcraeteisha in #6211
- FOUR-13479 | Add a New Tab Labeled “Public Templates” in the Screen Section by @mcraeteisha in #6212
- FOUR-14228 fIX Error on artisan processmaker:upgrade - web entry url fixer by @caleeli in #6274
- Revert "FOUR-13480 | Implement Template Listing UI Under ‘My Templates’ Tab" by @ryancooley in #6280
- FOUR-14232: When package ai is not installed the feature is showing in modeler and scripts by @agustinbusso in #6277
- FOUR-12844: Add username to searched columns when searching for users to add to a group by @runyan-co in #6281
Full Changelog: v4.9.1...v4.9.2
ProcessMaker Platform Fall 2023 (4.8.3)
What's Changed
- Add custom package-zj-adps by @caleeli in #5852
- Task/FOUR-12952: Update process translation project to use another model instead of deprecated text-davinci-003 by @agustinbusso in #5845
- FOUR-12665 the interstitial screen in the start event stops working by @devmiguelangel in #5857
- FOUR-12885: Added migration to convert status column from enum to varchar by @runyan-co in #5872
Full Changelog: v4.8.2...v4.8.3
ProcessMaker Platform Winter 2024 (4.9.1)
What's Changed
- FOUR-13378:Recent Assets Section for Designer Welcome Screen by @fagubla in #6116
- FOUR-13377: The Sections in Designer Welcome Screens are not aligned by @fagubla in #6115
- Observation/FOUR-13815: Ellipsis options are not shown if the screen is reduced in process by @agustinbusso in #6114
- Feature/four 13375 by @luNunezProcessmaker in #6107
- bugfix/FOUR-13318: The category search does not work. by @CarliPinell in #6085
- bugfix/FOUR-13300: An error is displayed in a manual type task by @CarliPinell in #6071
- Fix translations by @nolanpro in #6130
- FOUR-13361: Incorrect Redirection After Completing a Guided Template Process by @eiresendez in #6127
- Observation/FOUR-13960: Server error when using sort ascending or descending in taps, process categories, templates by @agustinbusso in #6126
- FOUR-13415 Special Characters does not work correctly in Tasks page by @gproly in #6125
- FOUR-13834 | The Modified Date in Projects Isn’t Updated After Making Changes to the Project by @mcraeteisha in #6124
- Bugfix/four 13257 by @gproly in #6122
- Update translations for changed strings by @github-actions in #6135
- FOUR-13910 block duplicate session in device restriction only works when the initial browser has the session open by @devmiguelangel in #6121
- FOUR-13473: Fix overflow string in the alertBox when the message is too long by @estebangallego in #6119
- FOUR-13376:Type of letter of the square’s title are not the same as figma in Designer Welcome Screen by @fagubla in #6106
- Observation/FOUR-12695: 35992 Screens in anonymous web entry tasks are not being translated by @agustinbusso in #6137
- FOUR-13995: Incorrect Redirection After Creating ProcessTemplate by @estebangallego in #6140
- FOUR-13969: Allow user to decide what to do with the Screen Interstitial when importing assets by @estebangallego in #6134
- feature/FOUR-13974: The background color Designer is not the same as figma by @luNunezProcessmaker in #6128
- feature/FOUR-13993: Search Recent asset needs to work with the enter key by @luNunezProcessmaker in #6139
- Fix BuildScriptExecutor Failure on Importing Script Executors by @sanjacornelius in #6132
- Fix URL Parameters for Guided Template Modals by @sanjacornelius in #6142
- Observation/FOUR-13323: Category is displayed without the correct permission by @agustinbusso in #6129
- FOUR-14010 | Fix Cancel Button for Selecting Existing Imported Assets by @mcraeteisha in #6148
- FOUR-14004 Fix Query of Saved Search Chart doesn't update correctly by @caleeli in #6147
- observation/FOUR-13916 The options menu and the eye leave the margin of a task row by @gustavobascope in #6120
- feature/FOUR-14002: Designer "Assets" icons default color and hover are not the same as figma by @luNunezProcessmaker in #6146
- observation/FOUR-13973 In processes some columns are not resizing by @gustavobascope in #6141
- FOUR-13219 | The Processes Created From a Template Are Being Created With the Uncategorized Category by @mcraeteisha in #6156
- FOUR-13942 the kill existing session in device restriction is not working correctly by @devmiguelangel in #6153
- feature/FOUR-14032: Recent assets does not load the data the first time by @luNunezProcessmaker in #6151
- FOUR-13586: Error in console after creating a guide template by @eiresendez in #6138
- FOUR-13206 New Table and filters are not translated by @gproly in #6154
- Update translations for changed strings by @github-actions in #6161
- Search do not show the name written in the field by @marcoAntonioNina in #6159
- observation/FOUR-13416 points button is over the table header by @gustavobascope in #6131
- FOUR-13275 When opening a request/task by clicking on it, then clicki… by @gproly in #6157
- FOUR-13980 Fix Case title overlaps task name in saved searches by @caleeli in #6158
- observation/FOUR-13173-B New image an text for tasks no results by @gustavobascope in #6168
- observation/FOUR-13973-B Added an identifier for multiple instances of the table component by @gustavobascope in #6167
- Resolve OpenAI Endpoint Error in PMQL Input Component by @sanjacornelius in #6166
- FOUR-13914 | The Language Selected for a User Is Not Complete by @mcraeteisha in #6164
- QA Observation Bugfix/FOUR-14015: The translation of Tool Tip in Spanish Input's Spanish is not correct by @CarliPinell in #6171
- Update translations for changed strings by @github-actions in #6172
Full Changelog: v4.9.0...v4.9.1
ProcessMaker Platform Winter 2024 (4.9.0)
Release Notes
New Features
- AI Unified Generation
- Billable Cases Counter
- Case Title
- Centralized Authentication
- Guided Templates
- Password Policies & Session Control
- Process Launchpad
- AI Search Improvements
- Collaborative Modeler Improvements
- Improved Task and Request List Filtering
- Modeler Improvements
- PM Blocks Improvements
- Projects Improvements
- Redesigned Script Modal
- Redesigned Table View
- Screen Builder Improvements
What's Changed
- FOUR-11542: Processes Setup - Ellipsis menu - Open Launchpad by @CarliPinell in #5617
- feature/FOUR-12352: The run script option will have a admin user per default. by @luNunezProcessmaker in #5631
- FOUR-11498:Initial script Modal by @fagubla in #5632
- feature/FOUR-12189 : FOUR-11498: Create a Accordion component: Add Advanced options - Less Options by @luNunezProcessmaker in #5646
- FOUR-12188:Create a New Dropdwon-Card component with preview Icons by @fagubla in #5657
- feature/FOUR-12430: Redesign Fields by @luNunezProcessmaker in #5659
- FOUR-12482:Integration: New Script Modal Redesign by @fagubla in #5673
- feature/FOUR-12396: New Menu Proccesses by @luNunezProcessmaker in #5634
- feature/FOUR-12318: Add the redirect to launchpad by @luNunezProcessmaker in #5677
- FOUR-12505:Other script executor does not have an icon on the modal script list by @fagubla in #5678
- FOUR-12504:It is not possible to recognize the new custom script executor created by @fagubla in #5683
- bugfix/FOUR-12502 The fields are not cleared after closing the modal by @CarliPinell in #5680
- FOUR-12003: Modeler now detects if process was generated by AI by @TinCodes in #5655
- FOUR-12525:The language selected on the script is not shown in settings by @fagubla in #5685
- FOUR-12488: "Run script as" needs to be capitalized by @pmPaulis in #5672
- bugfix/FOUR-12502: Modal window clear all fields on Close, also Projects input field. by @CarliPinell in #5691
- FOUR-11415 Password Policy Configuration by @julceslauhub in #5682
- FOUR-12581:Process Launchpad: Create the initial mockup by @fagubla in #5703
- FOUR-12581:Process Launchpad: Create the initial mockup by @fagubla in #5705
- feature/FOUR-12607 by @luNunezProcessmaker in #5704
- feature/FOUR-12111: Process Browser - List Available Process by @fagubla in #5707
- Implement 'View Additional Asset Actions' Project Permission by @sanjacornelius in #5615
- epic/FOUR-11496: [PRD] New Script Modal Redesign IT1 by @pmPaulis in #5642
- Job for Synchronizing for Wizard Templates by @estebangallego in #5649
- FOUR-12450: Filter only the Projects that belong to the User by @estebangallego in #5666
- FOUR-12445 Removal of Cypress from Core by @josechirivella in #5671
- Fix Unauthorized Message Issue for Users with Project Permissions Creating Scripts by @sanjacornelius in #5679
- Implement UI for Displaying Wizard Templates by @sanjacornelius in #5709
- Feature/FOUR-11998: Move the component GlobalSearch to package-ai by @agustinbusso in #5630
- Epic/FOUR-11380: AI Search V2 by @agustinbusso in #5690
- Updating feature branch with last changes in develop branch by @julceslauhub in #5715
- FOUR-12173: Develop Wizard Template database schema by @estebangallego in #5706
- FOUR-11846 - Return to Project List After Asset Creation by @eiresendez in #5681
- feature/FOUR-11536: Process Launchpad - Start Buttons by @luNunezProcessmaker in #5714
- FOUR-12572 Password Policy Configuration - Password expiration by @julceslauhub in #5716
- Updating feature branch FOUR-11378 with last changes in develop by @julceslauhub in #5728
- Feature/four 11534: Process Launchpad - Process Title - Description Add Ellipsis by @luNunezProcessmaker in #5725
- FOUR-12244 implement IDP for processmaker by @devmiguelangel in #5717
- FOUR-12577 Request Title Configuration. by @caleeli in #5721
- FOUR-12112: Process Browser - List the cards by @fagubla in #5733
- FOUR-11382: AI Unified Generation - Processes, screens, scripts by @danloa in #5718
- FOUR-11378 Loggin and Password improvements by @caleeli in #5722
- Resolve missing new process options in New Process modal by @sanjacornelius in #5726
- FOUR-11375 Implement IDP for processmaker alpha version by @caleeli in #5734
- FOUR-11530 Request Title v0.1 by @caleeli in #5737
- Feature/four 12636: Update the label "Edit Process" of process options by @luNunezProcessmaker in #5736
- Update feature/FOUR-11378 witgh last changes in develop... by @julceslauhub in #5742
- feature/FOUR-12652: Create table and column to save the Launchpad Settings and bookmarks by @pmPaulis in #5738
- Feature/four-11537: Process Launchpad - Start Web Entry Links by @luNunezProcessmaker in #5732
- Feature/FOUR-11993:Preview Process - Carousel by @CarliPinell in #5730
- FOUR-12571 Password Policy Configuration new screen in Admin Settings by @julceslauhub in #5743
- FOUR-12621: Create an API to get the processes related to the specific Category by @pmPaulis in #5744
- Feature/four 12645: Update Breadcrumbs with Categories and process by @luNunezProcessmaker in #5745
- feature/FOUR-12677: "Start This Process" Behavior by @luNunezProcessmaker in #5748
- feature/FOUR-12691: Performance: Implement the Infinite scroll by @luNunezProcessmaker in #5750
- FOUR-12714: Reorder the menu by @pmPaulis in #5754
- Feature/four 12708: Process Launchpad - Click on Card need to open the process Launch by @luNunezProcessmaker in #5755
- Fix Console Error 'response' Undefined in New Process Creation by @sanjacornelius in #5751
- FOUR-11922 - Backend: Develop APIs to fetch the list of Wizard Templates by @eiresendez in #5710
- Epic/FOUR-11531: Process LaunchPad - Initial changes by @pmPaulis in #5626
- Updating feature branch from develop branch... 2023-12-05 by @julceslauhub in #5760
- feature/FOUR-12623 by @luNunezProcessmaker in #5757
- FOUR-11419 Block the user when has X incorrect attempts by @julceslauhub in #5765
- FOUR-12574 Add Column Case Number by @caleeli in #5762
- FOUR-12573 Delete the column # (number) by @caleeli in #5763
- Feature/FOUR-11539: Process Launchpad - Tabs - Default by @CarliPinell in #5749
- FOUR-12245 customize SAML library used for the idp by @devmiguelangel in #5767
- feature/FOUR-12713: Behaviour with the Navigation "Process Browser" by @luNunezProcessmaker in #5769
- FOUR-12594 Request Columns final order by @caleeli in #5775
- Sanitize case_title by @caleeli in #5764
- FOUR-12223:Process Browser - List...
ProcessMaker Platform Fall 2023 (4.8.2)
What's Changed
- FOUR-12716: PMQL "lower" function is not working correctly by @eiresendez in #5779
- FOUR-12784:Bullets are not displayed in the rich text component by @fagubla in #5791
- Add handle Duplicates to EnvironmentVariableExporter and remove duplicate env variables by @estebangallego in #5783
- FOUR-12806 Fix Forms tasks reloading in submission and not moving forward by @caleeli in #5802
- FOUR-12780 Cache Storage is throwing a PDOException when the $key already exists by @caleeli in #5796
- Queue import jobs and add debugging info by @nolanpro in #5812
- FOUR-12933 - Fix the content of the email type screen is not displayed in the body of the message by @caleeli in #5832
- Gracefully handle missing classes and columns when importing by @nolanpro in #5831
- Fix process export checkbox by @nolanpro in #5827
Full Changelog: v4.8.1...v4.8.2
ProcessMaker Platform Fall 2023 (4.8.1)
What's Changed
- Add package-jz-sonymusic, package-jz-nas and pm-platform by @caleeli in #5684
- CData executor appears in list of available executors by @marcoAntonioNina in #5686
- Fixes for licensing by @nolanpro in #5688
- Fix customer package names by @caleeli in #5693
- Symfony Mailer does not use setAuthMode by @caleeli in #5692
- FOUR-12579 data._parent.request_id the value is wrong by @julceslauhub in #5697
- FOUR-12548 - Overview is overlapped when consulting it by @eiresendez in #5695
- FOUR-12550 Notification Empty when a Translation is added in a Process by @gproly in #5699
- Trigger global signals dispatched by Nayra Service by @caleeli in #5702
- FOUR-12638: Introduce customized optimize:clear by @runyan-co in #5713
- Improve get activated transition in gateway by @caleeli in #5708
- Add revised clear-compiled artisan command by @runyan-co in #5727
- [34709 - 34744] Unable to import processes FIdelity Bank Prod by @marcoAntonioNina in #5614
- Bugfix/FOUR-12661: [34966 - 35021] Process Not Sending Email Notifications by @agustinbusso in #5729
- FOUR-12688 Filter SB components without license by @caleeli in #5746
Full Changelog: v4.8.0...v4.8.1