Venomind A.Ş.
- Eskişehir / Turkey
- http://enginkizilgun.com.tr
A UNIVERSAL MUSIC TRANSLATION NETWORK - a method for translating music across musical instruments and styles.
A simple hacked-together PTT library for CM108 USB soundcards
Lessons to learn about Software Defined Radios (SDR) through GNUradio
macOS cross compiler toolchains
Given an Arduino compatible microcontroller or Raspberry PI (experimental), JTAGenum scans pins[] for basic JTAG functionality and can be used to enumerate the Instruction Register for undocumented…
zoobab / versaloon
Forked from versaloon/versaloonJTAG Versaloon firmware for the STM32 Bluepill board
This is Eric Smith's nonpareil-0.78 with the INSTALL file updated to include notes for building on Ubuntu
MessagePack implementation for C and C++ / msgpack.org[C/C++]
Generate DTMF tones to phone numbers
cross-platform Rust API for memory mapped IO
An ultrasonic directional speaker (aka. Parametric Speaker)
Nim is a statically typed compiled systems programming language. It combines successful concepts from mature languages like Python, Ada and Modula. Its design focuses on efficiency, expressiveness,…