Projectx is a space for artists, photographers, architects, designers etc, which will hopefully be the antithesis of the social media platforms. No likes, no followers, not having constantly produce content to help drive their money making machine forward and being punished by algorithms if you don’t obey!
So instead of constantly uploading streams of work, every hour - every day, there will be a 20 minute window, once a week to upload work (hence timer). To be selected then published on our website.
ProjectX is powered by a static site platform named Jekyll, hosted on CloudCannon, and running the Barber theme.
- Disqus for moderated commenting.
- Formcarry for the contact form.
- Formspree for the submissions form.
- GitHub for revision control and deployments.
- for the countdown timer.
If you are interested in contributing to ProjectX, please share something with us and visit the theme style guide. Read more about blogging using CloudCannon.
Give us a shout & say hi [email protected].