This repository contains the code necessary to run the flight computer including sensors and the state machine.
git clone
What things you need to install
Teensyduino -
- Teensy 3.6
- 16 GB SDHC card.
- BMP280 pressure.
- BNO055 IMU.
Follow the following guide to connect the Teensy 3.6 to Arduino:
Simply open the flight_computer.ino file using the Arduino IDE and hit upload.
If you would like to add running code on the different states of the FSM, this can be done by the following procedure:
1. Locate the state xxxx you would like to edit code on, this can be found under:
2. Put your code/changes inside the xxxx_state.cpp file
3. If you would like to only test your state, edit the START_STATE variable inside
the flight_computer.ino file to XXXX in capital letters.
4. If you would like to test the entry of the state, locate the previous state
under src/FSM inside the states.h file(The previous state inside the enum state).
5. Simply save all changes and then hit upload.
- Kevin Kaldvansvik - Initial work - Kevinkald
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.