I'm a norwegian who's trying to learn programming on the side of my studies to become a library and information science professional, as I do love how humans retain, store and make sense of data into information which eventually leads us into increasing our knowledge about a given subject. Both the facts that everything seems to be infintisimally deep and infinitely broad, where both systems work within similar rules and while the individual may seem unique, you're never as alone as you believe yourself to be as even the outliers move in expected ways, if you take a wide/long enough lens to see from that perspective. Obviously within our individual life lies we're somewhat hermeneutically "sealed" from grasping the higher impulses and how we're being "drawn" to various "obvious" paths.
I'm emphatic with how extraordinarily I find this strong realization.
Language | Grasp | Where to go: |
Bash, shell, regex, vim and such | Bit more then novice | I passed This one fine, and it's useful to go back to. Else I've used it a bit in python, and while trying to convert an XML book to MD |
Python | novice | Read some books, done some tasks, but feels like I don't get it. |
Assembly | beginner | I realize a 4 bite stack is aligned oppositely between ARM and x86, I'm viewing some of the earliest movies by Low Level Learning and also found Hacker's Delight on like the 4th google result. (I hope that's alright) |
C | beginner | I borrowed C primer Plus for 2 weeks, but feels insufficient and will have to dedicate more time to it. |
HTML, CSS & JS | novice | Done a few FreeCodeCamp courses, but without having a website of my own to set up as like a hobby project, I'm not sure I can advance here. While it may be fun to ask for like a present. |
Ruby, Rust, Go, Java, Zig | I've heard them referenced | Watching The Primagen I think I've heard them referenced, but I don't really learn any more from edutainment as I do from pop-science, though it's interesting to learn more about the industry as a whole though. |
I also keep a personal vault of unnecessary information which contains stuff like this, from silly D&D games or w/e which I'm never certain what to make of since it certainly isn't the first time, (it's only the first time I figured I'd make a bit.ly link), and I believe someone else deserves to have these distractions from doing proper work as well. 🤪
Obviously take it with a pinch of salt, if reading illusions of controlled narratives worries or sophistry being BS is foreign to you, maaaybe skip. 😉