This application is developed to demonstrate how to write the basic unit tests and integration tests for the microservices.
This application contains 2 micro services - department service and employee service which is developed using java,spring framework. Employee service will have the employee details and the department service will have the department details of each employee. Each service has couple of GET and POST Api endpoints
- Java
- Maven
- IntelliJ IDEA (Or any IDE of your choice)
- MongoDB and Mongo compass (optional if your IDE supports database connectivity)
- Docker (testcontainers image)
- Postman
- JMeter
Install IntelliJ IDEA edition
Install Lombok as a plugin in IntelliJ. (Preferences->Plugins)
Enable annotation processing in IntelliJ (Preferences->Build,Execution,Deployment ->Annotation Processors and then enable annotation processing)
Install Docker using instructions from here
Install Postman and import the collection
Do a git clone using
Then Navigate inside the project and perform
mvn clean compile
Installation of mongoDB in Mac:
Follow instructions from
Installation of Mongodb Compass:
- In order to view the mongo DB and visually explore your data, you can install MongoDB Compass
Installation of Jmeter:
- On Mac you can install jmeter by
brew install jmeter
- On windows please follow the instructions from here
To start the application:
Import the cloned repo in IntelliJ as Maven project
Allow some time for the IDE to resolve the dependencies.
Run /employee-service/src/main/java/com/sample/ and src/main/java/com/sample/ or run
mvn spring-boot:run
for both the services. (Employee runs in 8080 and department runs in 8081) -
To test your database connectivity, you can use the connection string as
from your DB client -
You should see this on the console to be sure that application is properly connected to the mongoDb.
INFO 5692 --- [localhost:27017] org.mongodb.driver.connection : Opened connection [connectionId{localValue:1, serverValue:7}] to localhost:27017
You should see this on the console to be sure that the employee service is running successfully.
INFO 5692 --- [main] com.sample.EmployeeApplication : Started EmployeeApplication in 3.403 seconds (JVM running for 9.731
Install Maven. Download the binary zip archive. Follow instructions from here
Install IntelliJ Idea from here . You can also use any IDE of your choice
Install Lombok as a plugin in IntelliJ. (File->Settings->Plugins)
Enable annotation processing in IntelliJ (File->Setting->Build,Execution,Deployment ->Annotation Processors and then enable annotation processing)
Install [MongoDB]( and follow instructions from
Download the complete installation in case you need the MongoDB Compass too. Else you can download a custom installation. You can select Run the service as Network Service user installation.
Install docker desktop for windows
In case you don't have a linux kernel installed already, install the linux kernel package from here
Install Postman and import the collection
Do a git clone using
Then Navigate inside the project and perform
mvn clean compile
To start the application:
Import the cloned repo in IntelliJ as Maven project
Allow some time for the IDE to bring up the dependencies.
Run /employee-service/src/main/java/com/sample/ and src/main/java/com/sample/ or run
mvn spring-boot:run
for both the services. (Employee runs in 8080 and department runs in 8081) -
To test your database connectivity, you can use the connection string as
from your DB client -
You should see this on the console to be sure that spring is properly connected to the mongoDb.
INFO 5692 --- [localhost:27017] org.mongodb.driver.connection : Opened connection [connectionId{localValue:1, serverValue:7}] to localhost:27017
You should see this on the console to be sure that the employee service is running successfully.
INFO 5692 --- [main] com.sample.EmployeeApplication : Started EmployeeApplication in 3.403 seconds (JVM running for 9.731