Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning 2018 - SEECS - Dr Faisal Shafait
Teaching Assistants:
Ferjad Naeem
Qazi Farjad
Nosheen Abid
To run tutorial in live format, you need jupyter
For people using Pip and python 3.x:
pip3 install --upgrade pip
pip3 install jupyter
pip3 install numpy
pip3 install pandas
(the command is pip if you are using legacy python )
For people using Anaconda:
conda install -c anaconda jupyter
conda install numpy
conda install pandas
After install, run:
jupyter notebook
From the folder this .ipynb file is placed in.
Session 3 - Links to the online tutorials that the K Nearest Neighbor tutorial was based on:
Leaf and Petal Code:
Visualizations of adjusting the K parameter on bias and variance.