Chat with RS-ChatGPT and get the remote sensing interpretation results and the response!
Grounded Segment Anything: From Objects to Parts
RSVG: Exploring Data and Model for Visual Grounding on Remote Sensing Data, 2022
CLIP Object Detection, search object on image using natural language #Zeroshot #Unsupervised #CLIP #ODS
Continual Object Detection for Defective Patch Detection __Doosan
[CVPR 2022] Official Pytorch code for OW-DETR: Open-world Detection Transformer
Collect some papers about transformer for detection and segmentation. Awesome Detection Transformer for Computer Vision (CV)
detrex is a research platform for DETR-based object detection, segmentation, pose estimation and other visual recognition tasks.
[CVPR 2022 Oral] Official implementation of DN-DETR
An Incremental Learning, Continual Learning, and Life-Long Learning Repository
A clean, elegant blog theme for hugo
Awesome Person Re-identification
[Survey@Pattern Recognition] Paper list on Pedestrian Attribute Recognition (PAR) and related tasks (Pattern Recognition 2021)
Scene Parsing via Integrated Classification Model and Variance-Based Regularization (Matlab&Caffe), In CVPR 2019
Code for the Lovász-Softmax loss (CVPR 2018)
cvpr2024/cvpr2023/cvpr2022/cvpr2021/cvpr2020/cvpr2019/cvpr2018/cvpr2017 论文/代码/解读/直播合集,极市团队整理
OpenMMLab Detection Toolbox and Benchmark
Weakly- and Semi-Supervised Panoptic Segmentation (ECCV18)
Fast, modular reference implementation of Instance Segmentation and Object Detection algorithms in PyTorch.
DEL: Deep Embedding Learning for Efficient Image Segmentation
PANet for Instance Segmentation and Object Detection
A pytorch implementation of Detectron. Both training from scratch and inferring directly from pretrained Detectron weights are available.
A faster pytorch implementation of faster r-cnn
A PyTorch implementation for exploring deep and shallow knowledge distillation (KD) experiments with flexibility
ResNet Implementation for Faster-rcnn
Relation Networks for Object Detection
Detectorch - detectron for PyTorch