Qod is the only bot that you need in your discord server, it comes with many features such as a Giveaway System, Music System and much more
- Released: 30.09.2022
- 💌 Invite the bot
- Start cloning the repository and installing the dependencies.
git clone https://github.com/QodGH/Qod-Bot.git
cd Qod-Bot
npm install
- Make sure you installed ffmpeg (for the music system)
- Create a free MongoDB Database
- Edit your config.json file to your preferences, Create a token on the Discord Developer Portal
"color": "#34a6ef",
"developerGuild": "GUILD ID",
"database": "MONGO-DB LINK",
"supportServer": "DISCORD INVITE LINK"
- If you finished to configurate, you can start the bot
npm run start
My Bot is open source and free to use. If you found any of my repos useful and would like to support my projects, feel free to join my Server.