There are 16 holes, 8 per player Holes are number from 1 to 16. We turn clockwise: Hole 1 follows clockwise hole 16. The first player has the odd holes, the second player has the even holes. (Be careful this is quite different from the oware)
There are two colors: red and blue At the beginning there are 2 seeds of each color per hole
The game starts with 2+2 seeds in each hole. The object of the game is to capture more seeds than one's opponent. Since there is an even number of seeds, it is possible for the game to end in a draw, where each player has captured 32.
Players take turns moving the seeds. On a turn, a player chooses one of the height holes under their control. The player removes seeds from that hole (see below for the color management), and distributes them, dropping one in holes clockwise (i.e. in non decreasing order) from this hole, in a process called sowing. Moves are made according to colors. First a color is designed and all the seeds of this color are played, If the seeds are red, then they are distributed in each hole. If the seeds are blue, then they are distributed only in the opponent's holes.
Seeds are not distributed into the hole drawn from. The starting hole is always left empty; if it contained 16 (or more) seeds, it is skipped, and the sixteenth seed is placed in the next hole. Thus, a move is expressed by NC where N is the number of the hole, C is the color which is played For instance, 3R means that we play the red seeds of hole 3 (and only the red)
Capturing occurs only when a player brings the count of an hole to exactly two or three seeds (of any color). This always captures the seeds in the corresponding hole, and possibly more: If the previous-to-last seed also brought an hole to two or three seeeds, these are captured as well, and so on until a hole is reached which does not contain two or three seeds. The captured seeds are set aside. Starving the opponent IS ALLOWED Be careful, it is allowed to take the seeds from its own hole and seeds are captured independently of their colors. Taking all the seeds of the opponent is allowed. In case of starving all the seeds are captured by the last player. The game stops when there is strictly less than 8 seeds on the board. In this case, the remaining seeds are not take into account.
The game is over when one player has captured 33 or more seeds, or each player has taken 32 seeds (draw), or there is only strictly less than 8 seeds that remain. The winner is the player who has more seeds than his opponent.
1 (2R) 16 (2R) 15 (2B) 14 (2B2R) 13 (2R2B)
Player even plays 14 B The sowing leads to 1(2R1B) 16 (2R) 15 (3B) 14 (2R) 13 (2R2B)
So, seeds of 1, 16, 15 , 14 are taken The result is; 1() 16() 15() 14 () 13 (2R2B) . The even player took 10 seeds
1 (1R) 2 (2R) 3(1B) 4(2B) 5(1R) 16 (3B1R) 15 (2R) 14 (4B)
Player even plays 16B
The sowing leads to 1 (1B1R) 2 (2R) 3(2B) 4(2B) 5(1B1R) 16 (1R) 15 (2R) 14 (4B) Holes 5,4,3,2,1 are captured. 10 seeds are captured The results is 1 () 2 () 3 () 4 () 5 () 16 (1R) 15 (2R) 14 (4B)
Player even plays 16R
The sowing leads to 1 (2R) 2 (2R) 3(1B) 4(2B) 5(1R) 16 (3B) 15 (2R) 14 (4B)
Holes 1, 16, 15 are captured 2+3+2=7 seeds are captured The result is: 1 () 2 (2B) 3(1B) 4(2B) 5(1R) 16 () 15 () 14 (4B)