#LeetCode Scraper
LeetCode Scraper is a python program that logins into your LeetCode account, and copies your code for your solved problems into its corresponding file.
For example, your solution to the problem FizzBizz will be stored in the file Fizzbizz.extension
##Steps to install and run
- Download the .py file
git clone https://github.com/jrluu/Leetcode-Scraper.git
- Install Selenium
pip install selenium
- Download the latest Google Chrome Driver and put it in the same directory as the .py file
- Type the command to run the file using python
python leetcode_scraper.py
- Follow instructions based on the command prompt
(This will prompt you to select the method to login, and then it will ask you for your username and password) - Enjoy =)
##Where to find your files Your files will be located in the folder called leet_code_solutions
##Ways to contribute:
- Add a GUI
##For more information on installing
- [Python 2.7 Beginners guide] (https://wiki.python.org/moin/BeginnersGuide)
- [How to install Selenium] (http://selenium-python.readthedocs.io/installation.html)
- Google Chrome Driver Download
##Contact: If you have any inquires or comments, please feel free them to send them to [email protected] with the subject line: [LeetCode_Scraper] title.
##Authors: Jonathan Luu