This project builds upon the work of LONG-9621, a library designed to analyse [PCAP files]
Modify the config file in
DO NOT git push
by force !!! Make sure you have pull or merge the branch before push
7.12 : Decide the architecture of project use kubernetes, modify the front end UI, and commit the slides.
Xinyu Zhang | Make clear of Kubernetes |
Qianxu Wang | Make clear of the open-source code architecture, explain to others tomorrow |
Han Bao | Collect projects on cloud-native Kubernetes or papers, create slides today |
YiNiu Han | Modify the front-end UI based on the understanding of Qianxu Wang's code |
7.15 : Futher improve the webpage, test the function, and deploy the demo to the simple kubernetes archituecture.
Xinyu Zhang | |
Qianxu Wang | |
Han Bao | |
YiNiu Han |