A Cypress plugin for Xray integration. Supports Xray Server/DC and Xray Cloud.
Features include:
- upload test results to Xray
- attach screenshots as test execution evidence
- attach web requests as test execution evidence
- attach videos to test execution issues
- reuse existing test execution and test plan issues
- CI/CD ready
- no hardcoded credentials
- Cucumber integration
- synchronization/upload of step definitions to Xray
- results upload as described above
Run the following command to add the plugin to your project:
npm install --save-dev cypress-xray-plugin
Then, configure the plugin in the Cypress project configuration:
import { configureXrayPlugin } from "cypress-xray-plugin";
export default defineConfig({
e2e: {
async setupNodeEvents(on, config) {
await configureXrayPlugin(on, config, {
jira: {
projectKey: "PRJ",
url: "https://example.org",
Make sure you also configure your credentials for Jira/Xray.
To have the plugin upload test results, link your test cases to Xray tests by specifying the corresponding issue keys in the test titles:
it("PRJ-42 My test", () => {
// ...
This plugin only works when running Cypress through the CLI (i.e. npx cypress run
Please visit the documentation to find out how to fully setup the plugin, including a full list of options.
If you're encountering strange behaviour or feel like a feature is missing, feel free to create a GitHub issue.
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